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Old 03-12-2022, 03:10 PM
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Lulu1971 Lulu1971 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2021
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I clean my three about once a month with wet wipes and baby oil, powder a few hours later, and extra powdering in between when they feel sticky.

Mine mostly live in my bedroom, I have two guys and one girl. They take turns in the bed and the others stand up, depending on who's in the bed. Sasha, one of my male dolls who has the oldest body, has loose joints so he sits on a chair rather than standing unattended. One or sometimes all of them will spend time downstairs sitting with me when I'm working from home, or at the weekends.

I have a dog too, but with clothes on the dolls, they don't have much of an issue with dog hair. My dog pretty much ignores them and if they sit on the sofa where he's been, I put a rug down first for them to sit on, particularly if they have bare legs.

As for names - many will tell you the same thing, that the personality of the doll is in the head, so the name stays with the head. My first male doll, Sihtric, got a new body after a year, and his old one went to new guy Sasha. Sihtric's head is still Sihtric, even though he had a "body transplant."

Sasha and my girl Rachel both have wigs from eBay which were £14 each. A lot of them come with a rose-coloured net cap inside which is fine, but some come with black. The black ones can stain quite badly so if you get one of those you will also need to get a separate wig cap in nude colour to go on the head under the wig.
Carpe Diem

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