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Old 17-10-2012, 05:53 PM
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Wulfie Wulfie is offline
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Default Trouble at the Meet.

The label on him read ‘Hand wash only (not his tadger as problems may occur effecting any guarantee), avoid bright and flashing lights, avoid alcohol, avoid food colouring and loud music.
So why the hell did Juliet pack him in her bag and smuggle him into the Meet..............................

Fortunately staff at the Hotel kindly supplied a large mug of Horlicks and half a dozen digestives as well as an iron mask. Thus, having been fed and rocked to sleep, the Capt. was secured in his mask and cuddled by Juliet, who being a kind-hearted babe had adopted him without question.

Juliet and the girls enjoyed the opening speech from Midiman and before long the band struck up and disco lights danced across the room like a million fireflies.

All was well until Samurai started handing out free drinks and Cosy doing the rounds with his camera.............. came across Juliet’s little friend. Instead of just passing by, Cosy prised open the visor.

The Capt. failed to stir.......... so Cosy being Cosy he wafted a glass of Gwatkins cider under the little fellows nose.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yawnnnnnnnnnn.............

The Capt. stirred and as he yawned again Cosy tipped a little of the sparkling amber nectar into the tiny mouth.

Drink, Drink, Drink, Feck, Arse, Feck........................
With the Horlicks effect totally flushed from his system the Capt. suddenly realised who was around him..................


We are all just a car crash, a diagnosis, an unexpected phone call, a newfound love,
or a broken heart away from becoming a completely different person.

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