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Old 04-01-2023, 11:02 PM
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the living tribunal the living tribunal is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2021
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Welcome in Chris

Wow, she's some starter doll; those 173H models are stunning, but heavy I have a 174G, and she weighs about the same as your girl, but having started with a Kimber got used to handling lighter dolls before going big.

For moving around, bear-hug is a great way to start and good for small distances; once you get used to the weight, bridal carry can be better. I started basic weight training just before Kimber arrived and it was a great help; just simple 1 and 2 kg weights, flexing both waist and arms, done in the bathroom when getting dressed, not going to the gym or anything; maybe that would work for you.

Anyway, enjoy your stay and looking forward to the pics
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