Thread: Feedback please
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Old 15-01-2023, 06:17 PM
Stedoo Stedoo is offline
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Originally Posted by Samurai View Post
One thing I have always noticed about manufacturers and vendors photos, is that in trying to sell sex doll they limit or do not include the sex parts of the sex doll guy want to see tits and all the rest they want to see what their buying and getting for their money. Forget the fancy crap and focus on the doll and what would make you buy it.

My tuppence worth..
Quite true.

I see a lot of sellers dress them up, and yes some of the photos really do look great. But when people are paying quite a sum of money, you want to see some of the more intimate bits in more detail. And dolls posed in perhaps some of the more likely poses they might find themselves in in real life with the user.

Some sellers ( maybe there are reasons ? ) don't even show the exposed holes at all, which would make you wonder is there something to hide ? Are they mis-shaped ? is there a hole in the wrong place ? would wonder.

Some with video links can show more detail though as opposed to a photo.
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