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Old 17-01-2023, 09:25 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Castle Anthrax, The Shire
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Welcome both to the forum

On the wigs front you will have a couple of issues.

1) when they are still babies they can tend to be charged with static electricity... You've seen what a vandergraph generator does That disipates quite quickly and when it does the hair settles down a bit. I don't understand the physics behind it but it seems that powdering them (cornflour or talc) speeds that process.

2) Have two wigs (at least) a scrap bed wig and her best wig that she wears during the day. The JY wigs that she will have come with are not the most robust. Three of the Elves wear the long JY White as best wigs. I would never risk lieing them down in those.

The problem with the short cheap wigs is how expensive they are because you end up buying half a dozen to find a good wig that they can wear in bed. Once you find a good one though it will last for years.

This one is Holly's bed wig but it was only £6.99 when I bought it in 2018. Certainly doesn't feel like a wig thats worth £15.99. It's not a great wig, very thick rough hair. But its as good today as it was then. Plus its not so bad that you can't use it in pics

When buying bed wigs blonde is often better as its generally safer on the lattice weave. Black wigs have black caps and even if you use nylon wig caps its very easy to turn the top of your girls ears blue.

I emphasise bed wigs there as with best wigs you take care of the positioning and styling ensuring that the ears are protected. Conversely bed wigs move around a little in the night.

I completely get where you are coming from about hiding them. With my first I hid her from my son. Just be careful how you hide her ensuring that she is not left against polished surfaces (may contain Silicone polish) or too close to a radiator.

Also, always powder her with either cornflour or Talc (I prefer cornflour) besides making TPE come alive it also helps protect her.

HTH and welcome to the forum,

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