A Terrible Accident


Golden Diamond Member
Warning - tissues and hankies may be needed.

Car: Screeeeecchhhhhhhhhh!
Sasha: Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Car Driver: Oh, shit. I knew I shouldn't have had so many in the pub.

Better get out of here before anyone sees me.

*Sihtric and Rachel rush out of the house to see what's going on after hearing screeching and a yell, and move Sasha from the road to the driveway. Dolls are not like breathers, you know, you can still move a broken one ;) *

Rachel: Oh my God! Sasha!
Sihtric: He's not breathing!

I know how to do CPR. I learned when I was doing that nurse photoshoot last year.
I'm calling Lulu.
One, two, three, four, five...
Come on, Sasha.

I couldn't do it. We're too late.
No. He can't be gone.

*SNIFF SNIFF* Poor Sasha. I can't believe it.

Lulu! We couldn't help him. Rachel tried, but...
*SNIFF SNIFF* I feel so useless.
How can he be gone? *SNIFF*
Doctor Bob, doctor Bob...

No answer... Its all down to you Lulu... Are you ready to perform an emergency headorechtamy?

No pressure but his future is all on you...

Hmmmm Broken Bodies....... Potential head swap operations......

Do you need the services of.....

Dr Norristein and Earlgor???


on second thoughts.....no......no you really probably really dont......:whistle::whistle:

Human bodies are so fragile....

Have you looted his remains yet?.... there are almost certain to be a few gold pieces and gems to sell! I'll send Willendorph right over!
Don't panic,Rosie and Chloe have got the savlon, germolene ,plasters and the TPE glue and are heading Sasha's way now, don't give up yet
And i thought i was Nuts! :D

I am not so sure it was an accident :whistle:

Still Rachel can practice cpr on me anytime... :D

Do hope Sasha makes a full recovery and remember to claim the guys insurance.....:tu

Thanks, everybody, for all the great comments.

There is a happier continuation of the story which I hope to post at the weekend, so watch this space :tu
Suprise you didnt get a visit from an ambulance with all your neighbours lookin on lol. Can see this is gonna be a good story :tu
Suprise you didnt get a visit from an ambulance with all your neighbours lookin on lol. Can see this is gonna be a good story :tu

The guy next door who's a health and safety officer did ask if I wanted to borrow his defibrillator for a photo :24