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Old 27-03-2023, 07:43 PM
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Agent0013 Agent0013 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 154

Originally Posted by shamus View Post
Tut, too many rookie mistakes there. Where was the pentagram etched in salt around the table? Where was the emergency Mistletoe above the doorways. Did you even have an emergency fairy in a bottle?

There are so many blatant Elf and Saftety violations in those pics... But, looks as though she was initially weak and you survived your first encounter, so well done there. A life of servitude to her every whim is probably preferable to an instant death... Although there is some debate about that here where Drow are not exactly on the party invite list. To quote the general concensus "Oh God, now there's two of them".

Not saying that you've got the girls here nervous but all of them went to bed with their wands last night.

Great intro thread ... Now what do we call you. Agent013 seems a bit of a mouthful and whilst "Arachne's Bitch" may now be apt it is a bit much to write each time. Maybe we should just refer to you as Jaluk? I'll ponder that one whilst she takes you off for your gimp suit fitting. ... lol, I'm sure that these Elves make at least half the stuff up that they say about Drow.

Enjoy your days training to serve her,


Originally Posted by Willendorph View Post
Can we shorten it to "A Bitch"?....

AB? or AJ (Arachne's Jaluk!) both sound best to me

That photo of Arachne waking up where she has her hand on her head is a really nice shot too - my favourite of the set. I'm really surprised you got such a nice clear photo whith just candles. It also seems that you managed to avoid burning down your... err Arachne's house too while doing it. I don't think you impresses her much with your human magic though!
I mean, you could just call me 'Agent' or '0013'... She's not in your house (probably)! She's no threat to you (maybe)! But hopefully your elves have some powerful wands, just in case!

Sorry Shamus, I was rushed! In the moment! I was trying to help... Those books are open to healing spells and drow information, not protection or warding! There is a little fae in my house, but I haven't seen her since Arachne appeared. I'll have to lure her out with some peanut butter or something and make sure she's okay, but also make sure Arachne isn't around. I don't see them getting along well...

'Elf and Safety' Good one!

I was really impressed with how the lighting turned out, but I'm pretty sure that the current quality of phone cameras is mostly to thank for that. (All shot on a Samsung Galaxy Note 10+, 3 years old at this point so newer tech is probably even better!) The candles went out between shots in attempt to keep them at a similar height for consistency. I was very careful with them around Arachne, especially when I made the transition from table to floor. I'd consider doing it again in the future, or recommend anyone with a good camera to try it as well. But human light spells? Yeah... Not her favorite. Her eyes are adjusting but it will take some time.
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