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Old 12-06-2010, 03:01 PM
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Zarnon Zarnon is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 11

Ok, I'm going to break it down between three dolls I've owned (RD, AI and Boy Toy) and by specific sexual area. I know different strokes for different folks and all high end dollies are not created equal so let's go!


My RD are the most realistic feeling dolls I've owned overall. The AI peach I got was right up there, but because the skin had peeling problems it isn't a fair comparison. The boobs on RD are less soft than AI but very very nice. Most everywhere I tough or hold a RD the consistency is the same, very nice!

I like the overall feel of RD, head to toe. When the dolls are warm the feeling is very realistic. The vagina is tight enough to enjoy and for me , the way the dolls look make the experience very intense.

Option: To make sex with any doll more realistic I recommend getting a HIME joint from Incrediwagon. It makes the hip not only stable but mobile. The first time with my Boy Toy was incredible because of the way the hip joint increased the realism. Abyss will install it in place of their standard joint. I think the HIME joint was about 40 bucks -- a bargain!

SEX (Vaginal). Here the Boy Toy insert wins for most realistic feel. Next is the Tokyo I've used of Hiroos. Third is the RD vagina and 4th is the AI fixed vagina. Aesthetics are a draw between the fixed RD, AI and Boy Toy with insert. The new vaginas Abyss introduced a few years ago look awesome. I just replaced one in my B4 and such an improvement.

If you like pubic hair, AI does the best with their female technician who does it hair by hair.

SEX (ORAL) I haven't enjoyed it as much. I felt the RD vagina and anal cavity are much better feel so I've kept the faces for kissing. Even though not recommended I couldn't resist using a few 4Woods heads for oral and it was really nice! The fit was tight and felt great. Unfortunately the oral cavity tears too easy to it's not a realistic option. I never tried Oral with my Boy Toy.

SEX (ANAL) In real life I don't like anal. But I really enjoy it with all my dolls. Seems like every one has a nice tite anal cavity, a complement to the vaginal region.


The kissing w/ RD is also the best. The two reasons are (1) mobile tongue (2) oral vacuum. This is how our oral cavity is made so why other dolls don't make 'em like that is beyond me. AI's oral cavity is open and tongue is fixed which detracts from the experience. I've urged Hiroo to emulate RD and am hoping for a similar experience. The new BoyToy doll does not use RD oral design. There is a gap between the lips and the new oral insert. The wind whistling around it was not realistic and detracting. Matt made a special oral face for me and it was much better but not the same as RD.

Oral cleaning tip: I disinfect with soap then rinse with water then mouthwash. Really leaves a pleasant taste and has never affected the silicone.

Hokay, that's about it.

Last edited by Zarnon; 12-06-2010 at 03:30 PM.
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