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Old 15-08-2023, 03:30 PM
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welcome to the forum.

its not the height. there are 168cm girls who weigh less than 151cm girls. Its the amount of meat that they have on their bones.

Its also how they hold it. For example a WM 166C who's a skinny wee thing is a lot easier to move around than (say) a YL151C who holds quite a bot of her weight in her posterior.... Of course, theholding weight there gives them greater balance and the only girl here who has ever been able to pose, free standing one foot in front of the other was my first 151C.

On your choice, if you are going with Lucid personally I would stick with the named brands.

i.e. Soulmate is ShangMei (SM), Racy is Irontech, Sugarbabe are JY, AS and AF, Allure is 6YE.

Of the above my personal favourites are SM bodies and 6YE heads.

I would say that Irontech have fantastic skeletons and their TPE is warmer than some others... It feels cheaer but it isn't.

Looking at the girl you picked her face strikes me as very like some JY girls.

Check out this one:

same height, similar look, but 5kg less, slightly more expensive but has upgraded naughty bits. If that one doesn't tickle your fancy there are plenty of others who are considerably less than 37kg.

And yes. like many before you read 37kg and think that its nothing but just look at how many excited purchases from people with a similar outlook turn into posts in the for sle section within a day of arrival! We've even had people who haven't even been able to get them out of the box.

To emphaise here, I'm not telling you don't buy this girl. Its not for me to tell you who you like. I'm just advising that there are lighter, very similar, alternatives that I think you would be considerably happier with.

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