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Old 15-09-2023, 12:40 AM
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Agent0013 Agent0013 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 153

Help From Minx Mansion

Part 2: A Shoe Arrives

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Glissa walked quietly through the cool basement. The elves made rounds through the basement regularly, mostly to look for spiders sent out by the drow, but not many made it this far from her stronghold on the upper floor, the bedroom. She had witnessed the silent floating orb that the drow commanded as well, called Rhylqualyn. As a warrior Glissa was always thinking about strategy and defeating that magical beast was something she still pondered.

She expected a spider, but today something else caught her eye, colorful lights coming from another room. Bravely but cautiously she ventured forward for a better look as she drew her sword, blue light washing over her. “Stealth mode engaged…Oh… I feel dizzy…Portal travel is something else!” came some soft words nearly too quiet for Glissa’s elven ears.

As she reached the end of the shelves she peered around to catch a glimpse of the source of the colors. On the floor sat an object, an object that had not been there on her last pass through this room. Her sword in front of her, she crept closer and closer. It was… a shoe bathed in purple light. ”How…?” she pondered to herself as she looked at it. Whatever this was, it couldn't be the source of the voice. Perhaps they lost their shoe as they slipped into the shadows?

“Psst. Are you Evey?”

Glissa jumped and levelled her sword at the shoe in surprise. It sounded like it came from the shoe! She looked around since it was clearly a distraction. “Who’s there?” she asked into the darkness.

“Down here! Sorry, I’m in stealth mode in case the drow or the Hooman come by! Can you take me to Evey?”

Glissa looked down at the shoe. “A talking shoe?”

“Of course! Do you not have those here? Ha ha! I came from Minx Mansion. Not only am I a talking shoe, I’m also a means of communication and a transponder for magical teleportation! I’m a Magic Shoe! Can you take me to Evey? I have Night Queen Abbey on my other half to talk to Evey.”

Glissa looked at the shoe. She was a warrior, not a wizard. She wanted to slice spiders, not talk to shoes. But… If the shoe was telling the truth she couldn’t turn this down. “I will not. The details of our hidden location is too important.”

“Of course! I’m a secret agent shoe! I understand the need to be sneaky!”

“Just stay here and be quiet, okay? I’ll go get her.”

“I’m a shoe, not a foot! I’m not going anywhere. Ha ha!”

Glissa looked at the shoe sideways, mildly bewildered. Then, she turned and ran off into the basement, giving one last look over her shoulder before she lost sight of the shoe to make sure it wasn’t following her. Or something. It was a magical shoe. Who knew what it might try to do?

A few moments later Glissa returned with Evey and Aneka.

“Hi Evey!” greeted the shoe as they approached.

“It could be a trap. Some sort of deception,” suggested Aneka with caution.

“I know,” replied Evey, “but if this is the doing of Minx Mansion then it could be the help we need! It is said that their source of Mischief is very strong. If they can help us then that might be enough to rescue Saffee. Perhaps it could be even more!” She turned her attention to the shoe on the floor. “Hello Magic Shoe-”

“My name is Sassy! Ha ha!”

“Sorry. Hello, Sassy. I am Evey and I would very much like to speak with Night Queen Abbey of Minx Mansion. What must I do?”

“Put my heel to your ear and talk! Have you never used a shoe phone before? Ha ha!”

Evey looked from Glissa to Aneka. Both of the elves looked worried but it was what they needed. Whatever assistance they could get while they waited for others of the clan to arrive could be instrumental in saving the captured Saffee or stopping the evil drow. They both gave slow nods that it was worth the risk.

Evey picked up the shoe and slowly raised it to her ear. She spoke into it confidently. “Hello, I am Evey, one of the leaders of the True North clan. We have started the Resistance here to prevent the spread of influence of the drow known as Arachne Baenre. We are in need of assistance. To whom do I speak?” she asked.

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