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Old 15-09-2023, 01:40 AM
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Coeros Coeros is offline
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Originally Posted by Adam&Emma View Post
Stand looks impressive. I see what shamus is saying about this pic. The bracket is digging in to the skin. Can this not simply be flipped over 180 degrees so it hangs down above the neck joint
Originally Posted by shamus View Post
I don't understand the angled piece as surely that would damage the TPE / Silicone?

It feels that should be a 90 degree angles joint but that would put more pressure on the joint and cause a potential snap where as is there is no single pressure point so I can see why they have done it that way but thats simply protection of the mechanism rather than the girl.

Should there not also be foam between the sharp bottom of the connector and the body? In fact at the base of the connector as well where it gets awfully close to the body, that surely needs some form of foam to protect the body as well espechially during mounting and unmounting.

Not trying to be pedantic. I can see the market for this sort of device. I just think that as is, the connection looks as though it has the potential to inflict some damage especially if used long term such as where used for a girl as a set peice display in a living room / hallway.

I have no doubt that it will do its intended purpose but my concern is for the girls body rather than only the posing.

The person you need to talk to is For Real who is an Engineer so may see the solutions that are needed to improve the design where I am mainly seeing the problems with this.
For M16 emerging connectors, 90 degree angles will cause the connector to be unable to bear the weight of the doll and will bend. However, we have modified this connector a month or two ago and equipped it with a turning screw. But it will also cause some friction with the doll's neck.

In addition, this stand is more suitable for dolls with holes in the back. Such a connector will not damage the doll.

In addition, I recommend using this stand to display dolls for photography. For long-term storage of dolls, a bath hanger is more suitable.
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