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Old 04-10-2023, 03:38 AM
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Agent0013 Agent0013 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 154

The Road Trip

Part 1

“Agent thinks you’re going to be useful to me. Now is your chance to prove that,” Arachne told Bastet.

“We’re leaving for a few days and it’s your job to monitor the hostage. Between you and the spiders I’m sure you can hold off those little elves should they feel stupidly brave enough to try and attempt an escape for their friend. We already know that their blades are not sharp enough to break through the webbing so I do not know why they’d try, but if they do it is your job to help the spiders stick them to the web as well. Understood?”

The cat nodded her head. She seemed to understand English, or Common as the drow called it, but she did not seem to be able to speak it.

"Good. We'll see you in a few days." With that, the drow headed for the garage where the car was loaded and waiting.

I grinned at her as she got in, excited for the many miles ahead. "This is it," I told her as we waited for the garage door to close. "Three days, three thousand kilometers. I'm sure that your home had a lot of beauty in it, but I think you'll find the surface has a lot of it too. Ready?"

Arachne nodded with a smile. "Ready. Let's go." She was genuinely looking forward to this trip and was excited to see more of the world she now lived in, to the point that there was no hiding it behind her usually cold personality.

OOC: I have a lot of content lined up! Over the last couple weeks I have taken several hundred photos that I need to go through and organize my thoughts on. There's lots of good stuff coming! Well, I think it's good anyways. You can let me know if you agree!
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