Award Nomination - Wulfie

Cyber Ted

Legendary Member
I should probably have done this some time ago but having been nominated myself I feel it only right that I do this now.

I'm nominating Wulfie for a number of reasons, in no particular order.

When I was ill and away from the forum Wulfie made a point of trying to keep in touch, I know he has also done that for other members who drop off the radar for a while, it was much appreciated. You can blame him for getting me back here when he did. ;)

There is a lot of background activity goes on to keep the forum free from spam and inappropriate posts or posters. Wulfie plays a major part in this, and has done since first becoming a Mod, I can see just how much from the Admin logs.

Our Vamp TBD's were delivered together, from the US, to Wulfie's, he then sent Vicalyn on to me. There was a major mess up with the taxes and UK postage resulting in a serious amount of hassle and short term expense for Wulfie, he handled it all himself without complaint.

As anyone who has met him will attest, Wulfie is a real gentleman and quick to help our members wherever and whenever he can.

For all these reasons I think Wulfie deserves a Wetsuit Gold Star and am very happy to start off this nomination.

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Indeed a top man and top poster and like you said CT nothing is to much trouble for Wulfie its an Award that is well and truly deserved and probably a bit overdue.
OK I need to check that this proposal has been done right.

Initial Nomination OK?



It gives me great pleasure, on behalf of the whole forum, to award Wulfie a Wetsuit Gold Star. :tu


It is now off to stick itself to your signature.

Well Done Wulfie, most deserved. :b

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Ooooohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeessssss

Lets hear it for the big fella.

Congratulations mate, thoroughly well deserved.
Thank you my friends, this place for me is a 2nd home and it's good to be a small cog in the machine that helps keep the show on the road.
It's been a heavy day today and I'm a bit the worse for wear but to come home to this, it's an honour and I thank you.
Congrats Mr. Wulfie

Well done Mr. Wulfie - love hugs and kisses from Nicole and Willow xx:cool:

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