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Old 10-10-2023, 06:49 PM
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Arthur1960 Arthur1960 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2021
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk
Posts: 287

Hi, sorry to hear you are having a few issues with your first doll purchase but hopefully you can work things out for the best. Certainly if you want any help and tips then you are in the right place. Regarding standing your doll, indeed there are now silicone dolls that have hardened feet that allow them to stand for periods of time although I'm unsure if this is recommended on a permanent basis but others will chime in about that. As for standing unsupported, I'm afraid that no doll is currently designed to do this and if she has standing feet then she will still require support from a wall or piece of furniture. You will see pics of dolls that appear to be freestanding and this is usually achieved by a hidden support or the support has been removed in the edit. Saying that you do find some dolls that are so well balanced that they will try and do this, I've a couple here myself, but a gust of wind will usually see them over so ultimately it's not worth the worry or heartache when your gal gets damaged. Good luck with your new gal and if you have questions just ask away and I'm sure someone will be able to help.
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