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Old 12-10-2023, 05:41 PM
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Kenzie Kenzie is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2023
Location: The Rabbit Hole
Posts: 91

Originally Posted by Graham View Post
Hi Kenzie do you think then that in real life the doll might not look like it does in the photos?
I'm absolutely sure of it. The way promo photos are done is one of my biggest gripes about doll shopping, yes they look great but they're not realistic. Even the squished excuse of a burger you get from Maccies looks more like the display board than a doll does it's promo pics. The make-up, the lighting, the editing, all come together to make it look as attractive as possible and encourage sales. On the other hand, the bonus is it demonstrates that you can easily switch up the looks of your doll with a simple make-over, new wig or even a change of clothes. And seeing as the makeup is easily re-done, it is wise to pick a head based on the structure of the face rather than the makeup (hyper-realistic silicone may be an exception to this but I have no experience with silicone....yet).

You really need to see some in person if you can, at the very least some factory photos. They obviously do not move, breathe or watch you, it can be strange at first.

Lucidtoys is a vendor on here, and they have a warehouse you can arrange to visit by appointment to see the dolls you are interested in. Ok, they rename most of the ranges, and its hard to find what you're after, but you can search through then see the factory photos they list by going to the Warehouse Images option. At least you'll get a better idea of what you're getting, but nothing compares to seeing them in real life.
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