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Old 22-11-2023, 04:07 AM
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Agent0013 Agent0013 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 154

Saving Saffee
Part 6

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The spider shrieked as the Mischief magic washed over it, consuming it and converting it into something new. What exactly was happening to it Evey couldn’t be sure, but once the transformation was complete the spider skittered off as fast as it could. Evey let out a sigh of relief and continued to inch closer to Saffee.

Aneka drew her dagger and stabbed at the spider that was trying to immobilize her. Glissa was locked in combat with Bastet, trying to keep the cat’s weapon away from her.

“Sassy, I need a lot of Mischief! We’ve got to get Saffee out of all this webbing!”

“There’s plenty in the portal, Evey! But your friends! They’re in trouble! They’re okay, but they’re in trouble!”

“I’m not leaving Saffee again!” Evey reached into Sassy and pulled out niblet after niblet of Mischief, placing them all over the webbing.

Sassy let out a concerned moan of worry.

“FREE SAFFEE!” yelled Evey as she placed the last niblet of Mischief on the webbing. The magic activated and in a flash Saffee was out of the webbing! But only Saffee. With a surprised yell she found herself plummeting towards the floor.

Proud servant of Arachne Baenre, the drow elf.

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