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Old 12-03-2013, 04:07 PM
revoL annaerB's Avatar
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It is a difficult subject to quantify or categorize as everyone on here are completely individual, we don't believe in following standard mindsets. We are not simply dumb people who can't get a 'real woman', this is a life choice and one that can take some thinking about when you realize how many different types of doll are out there, I have a Teddy Babe Deluxe because they are extremely cute, if not an exact imitation of a human woman, and they are seriously cuddleable which is something I wanted and now enjoy.

In the same vein, people who make their own dolls do so for a variety of reasons but I think you'll find it's not so much about making money but the pride in achievement and having a unique doll.

I'm afraid I am not interested in being 'outed' in any way as I like my privacy and has been said before, it's my life and nothing to do with anyone else. I have broad shoulders to criticism but I will not hand myself on a plate for public ridicule and although that may not be your intention I can guarantee that many people would ridicule it. The creator of this site has Youtube videos that have some pathetic and demeaning comments and I have on a couple of occasions brought the subject up with 'outsiders' only to find that they see it as sad(not upset kiind of sad) or refer to people who have dolls as idiots. That's up to them, they live in a blinkered society and have been trained through life as to what is socially acceptable or not.

Good luck in your quest although I think you would have more luck with a subject like football, people love to talk about that!
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