Thread: The day out.
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Old 16-05-2013, 08:30 PM
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Wulfie Wulfie is offline
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Location: Beyond the the Edge of Reason
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White cotton wool clouds started to cover the blue sky, gliding slowly overhead in the gusty wind as the wulfmobile chugged slowly along the winding country lanes and then off into side roads which got narrower and narrower as the journey progressed. It was evident that there had been some serious rainfall in the previous twenty-four hours as torrents of water cascaded down the narrow lane which suddenly climbed steeply up into the unknown. The hedges towering upwards, closed in blocking all views to the sides and just making a green tunnel, up which they slowly travelled. Then after what seemed like an eternity it was back into the light, the lane suddenly opened up and levelled out and the party found themselves travelling along the top of a ridge with the Black Mountains on their left and the Golden Valley down below. They had arrived...........

“A pile of, yeah, borrrrrrrrrrring..........”

“Humour me, a few pics”

"Okay..........just a few.....then we go"

“Go on then, the rocks.........”

“Hurry up, you’re knickers and this stone is cold.”

Luna settled into a small alcove on the face of the capstone, a little niche which cradled her tiny body perfectly and as she stared out towards the Black Mountains her face glazed over as the sacred place worked it’s magic..........

She then remembered what Agnetha had told her about Arthurs Stone, the place where rituals of the ancestors, through whom claims to a particular area of land could be staked, had taken place for over 5000yrs. Built in an area of summer pastures, Neolithic people gathered at the cairn on a seasonal basis. The tomb was been linked to King Arthur and according to legend, it was here that Arthur slew a giant who left the impression of his elbows on one of the stones as he fell. The very spot where Luna sat..........

and the day was suddenly soooooooooo good.

“Hey Wulfie, can we come here’s such a cool place.”

I know we will........................


We are all just a car crash, a diagnosis, an unexpected phone call, a newfound love,
or a broken heart away from becoming a completely different person.

Last edited by Wulfie; 16-05-2013 at 08:56 PM.
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