The Necklace - Suki's Secret

Cyber Ted

Legendary Member
I was minding my own business early yesterday morning when I heard a scream from the bedroom level so went rushing up there.

I found Krystal and Coral standing outside my bedroom door trying to appear nonchalant but instead looking very guilty.

Both had their hands behind their backs and were obviously hiding something.


What are you two up to? I asked.

Nothing, replied Coral,
nope nothing
agreed Krystal, shaking her head.

OK then what have you got behind your back, have you been pinching my aftershave again? I asked.

Krystal reluctantly laid down the items she had been holding.


An empty glass and a salt shaker. :wtf

OK and what have you got then? I asked Coral.


She held out a pink necklace. :confused:

Right then, explain. I said completely puzzled.

Well you know how Primrose got all the personnel documents through from the DDF yesterday? said Coral
and you know how Suki has refused to tell anyone her surname as she says we wouldn't understand? added Krystal.

Yes I replied but what has that got to do with this and who screamed?

We sort of read all of Suki's personnel file said an embarassed Coral, and there was a bit about a necklace and for her not to use it unless 'on operations' and 'by the sea'. Then we found this necklace in an envelope in her docs. She held out the pink necklace with sea shells in an intricate pattern around the centre piece.


We checked her surname, but it was all the wrong way round, it had her first name last said Krystal, see she added holding out a piece of paper on which was written 'Ningyo, Mitsuki'.
Then we 'borrowed' Primrose's laptop and translated 'Ningyo' and there were two main options so we thought we would conduct an experiment said Coral.

I remained silent, scowling waiting to hear the rest.

Krystal caved first. Errr... well... we knew she spent last night with you and was still asleep so we brought the necklace, and the water,
and the salt added Coral quickly.
Yeh right, well we went in your room and she was sound asleep so we put the necklace on her, admitted Krystal.

And then? I asked, not believing what I was hearing. :no:

Then we poured some water on her hair said Coral,
but nothing happened added Krystal.
Yeh but that was because it wasn't sea water said Coral
Well you wouldn't go down the beach for it said Krystal
Not dressed or with hair like this said Coral
so we improvised, we put salt in the water and poured some on her hair and then it happened added a shocked Krystal.
Yeh she changed and screamed and got really mad said Coral so I snatched the necklace back but she still stayed angry. So we were just about to leg it when you caugh.. I mean found us. She finished.

Oh no Poor Suki she'll be soaking, and on my bed. I pushed between the two miscreants, grasped the door handle and knocked gently.

Hearing no reply I opened the door and stepped inside, I turned and looked towards the bed and froze, stunned at the sight that met my eyes.


I stood speechless looking down on Suki, as she wriggled and tried to hide her face.

Suki, are you OK? I asked.

You're not supposed to see me like this yet, this wasn't supposed to happen here she said. It was those two little horrors, when I catch them I'll skin them she added angrily.

It's OK I said what can I do to help?

Suki relaxed and looked up at me, meeting my still surprised gaze.


Well now you know she said, I'm a Ningyo, a Mermaid.

Still staring, I walked to the bottom of the bed and stared at Suki's new tail, it was bright and shiny blue and twitched as she talked.


Will you stay like this? I asked

No she replied, only if I wear my necklace, oh by the way where is it?

I think Coral still has it I said still staring at Suki's tail.

Do you like my tail? she asked sweeping it and posing coyly.


Errrr... yes it's very, I said ...and shiny I added quickly somewhat lost for words.

I'll be fine in a little while when I dry out said Suki, it won't take long if I'm not wearing my necklace. Would you be a dear and get it please, I wouldn't want it to get damaged. She added.

Right I'll go and get it and those two can come and apologise I said.

Okay said Suki, I'd love to hear their explanation.

I brought both Girls back to my room where they returned the necklace and both apologised to Suki. After a few choice words they all made friends and posed for a photograph before Suki dried out and changed back to her normal self.


Well now we all know why Suki's swimming record is so good and why she did so well on her job in Tokyo.

And that's the end of that Tail.

Sushi Suki looks adorable. Its certainly a first for Teddybabe kind and something that Dr K would loveto get his hands on ....... study for Teddybabe science....

It reminds me of the old joke about a mermaid's statistics 34 - 22 - and 3/6 a pound! :21