doll problems


Golden Diamond Member
My poor homemade doll body is having major problems.I did some exploratory surgery earlier and things are worse than at first appeared. Her "spinal" connection has come completely adrift inside the neck-cladding hence the wobbly head.Also one shoulder joint has come totaly adrift and I was never very happy eith her arms and legs.First I made them too short but in elongating them she has an extra joint in the calves and her arms are distincyly simian.
I was hoping to introdecve Avril to Pris, but not in this state.
Back to the proverbial drawing board, I suppose.
I wish Dr. Karrot lived in Jersey.:(

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I wish I could help but too far away.

You'll get there and when I get a chance to come over I'll see what I can do to help.
Well done Phil, nice to know they're both back in play. Maybe consider any shortcomings on her design and consider constructing a new 'model' at some point so you only have to do a hands and feet swop.:cool:
I'm sorry I'm to far away to lend a hand, but I recon you have the skills necessary to sort this out.

As an additional thought, now that Avril is with you, I'm sure she would be willing to let you examine her panel design. You could go for a Teddy babe based mark 2 !
I agree with Wulfie and Karrot on all points there, Phil.

You built that doll from scratch, so you are streets ahead of most of the rest of us who have only repaired dolls.

If Avril is anything like her sisters she'll be only too happy to show off her 'features' to her fella. As the guys say, now might be the time to do a complete reconstruction and build your own Crossover doll. (No Sam, put the dress away, I said crossover, not crossdresser.) :rolleyes:

You've done it once, I bet you can do better this time. :tu

I look forward to seeing your results, in fact a 'work in progress' thread would be good for those considering making their own doll too.

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It sounds like you're on top of the problem mate and I'm sure you'll have her up and running in no time. The other guys make a good point though, now with Avril as the perfect template, you can always start thinking about a redesign and upgrade to the mkII model.
Thanks for the encouragement, guys. I may well use yor tips at a later date.
The guy on tdf (I forget his name) who makes alternative plush dragons etc. puts up great step-by-step photoguides and his tips for the skeleton are excellent. Hopefully I cancon / bribe / coerce ask Izzy to assist in the sewing part once the skeleton is redone.
:( Looks like I spoke too soon. After making the teddybabe stand I wanted to get a shot of my 3 girls stood together so I put Pris with the homemade body on my homemade stand.
BIG mistake ! I thought the neck repair I did the other day was sufficient but when suspended from her neck hook the whole internal elongated neck contraption came adrift. Bugger !
Looks like Pris will be out of the game for a while til I muster up the courage to do a complete rebuild.
Typical - overjoyed with the arival of Avril then my HM is kaput.
Ho-hum - you win some.....
Sorry to hear she's kaput but maybe time to start planning and collecting bits and bobs for a Mk II and adjust for any shortcomings. Silicone boobies ect.
Oh dude! Firstly, no damage to Pris I take it :eek:

Sounds like you have your work 'cut out' for you.....ok ok ok

But I know you can sort it make. its just a case of getting the inspiration to see the solution, then tackling the job. :tu

Thanks, guys. No , Karrot, thank Zappa no damage to Pris.
Pictorial evidence of decapitation below. Not for the faint - hearted.
Gotta laugh a bit, though...

Sorry to hear about Pris' accident, I'm pleased that she's not damaged. Hope you can get her a new body sorted soon.
Well Pris n Jessica did a body-swap but poor Jess has been out of the picture for a while.
Sick of her being left on the shelf (quite literally!) ...


... I decided to do something about it.
revoL n I have had a few talks on the subject and he came up with some brilliant suggestions for the rebuild.
I want mk 111 to be more poseable so decided to make the knee and elbow
joints and some in the spine from cable. One of revs ideas was to thread the cable into the "bone" tubing and attach through holes in each end of each
Warning. Since recent mishaps please do not copy this method. Pics retained for archive only.

holes drilled through plastic tubing (burrs removed later)...


Wire paired back at each end...


wires fed through holes at each end , bent back on themselves and secured with cable (zip) ties then reinforced with duck tape.
gap inside tube around thinner wires stuffed with wadding to minimise internal movement.




knee joint straight...


knee joint bent.
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I used the same hip arrangement from my first home made effort (salvaged from a toy telescope tripod with one leg removed) as it opens and closes nicely.
Here it is prepaired for lower spine and leg attachments.

...and here with spine attached with exposed wire for flexibility in sitting etc.


upper spine and shoulders attached (2 more open cable areas for more
spinal flexability.

legs fitted with knee and hip/thigh cable joints showing.



showing leg opening capability.


showing knee and some back manouverability.


Feet attached (thanks again , Samurai) and some leg "muscle" added.


arms attached and more musculature added.


neck attached (long enough to go right up inside skull for head attachment. More padding to be added to hips/legs and remainder of body to be clad.
Poor psp work to blame for jagged outline.
Work continues....
ive been working away at the rebuild all day and I forgot to take progress pics- DOH!. I attached a cushion to her shoulders, pulling it into a rough
triangulas shape secured with a couple of zip ties and duck tape.I did the same for the hip area and padded out the thighs and bum with wadding from an old pillow. I achieved the contouring by stretching the tape taut for thinner areas and not so tight when i wanted it broader.
The bath sponge boobs were then added and will later be shaped with
padded bra-stuffer wotsits.
More shaping and padding to do on the thighs and arms to finish but I ran out of duck tape.


Here she is by Pris for height comparison.
