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Old 15-12-2013, 06:00 PM
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Krystal Krystal is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Teddy Babe Tower, UK
Posts: 32

Ted's Tower control room

So let me get this straight, the girls have picked up the hurt little Teddy Babe but can't get her into any hospital and are now on the ground at Shobdon with Amanda where they're refueling the helicopter.

Yes CT that's about the size of it, plus we have tried all the hospitals in that area too and they're all full also.

OK so we need to get her to a Doctor and suitable establishment as soon as possible, any ideas?



What about Dr Karrot, he can fix Teddy Babes has anyone called him?

Oooh that's a great idea Vicalyn, we'll see if he can help the little Teddy Babe. CT will have to phone him.

One phone call later.....

OK that's sorted Dr Karrot and his girls will see to the Teddy Babe, we just need to get her to him. He gave me some directions but we don't have the exact co-ordinates. We'll set the girls heading off in the right direction and then we'll sort out the final location for them once they are in the air.

I'll phone Amanda and ask her to pass on the instructions.

Great lets get it done as quickly as possible the poor girl has been in the helicopter for ages now.

I Live at Ted's Teddy Babe Tower
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