I'am working on a 5'10" (1.76 m.) tall female full size doll


Active Member
Hi all,

As some of you may have read, I'am working on a 5'10" (1.76 meter) female full size doll, which I call the Dreamqueen Shirley body.
I have still a lot work to do, I did buy a welder and did weld a big frame from steel and I'am sculpting on the big body but want it first to be ok before I show a preview, this can take 3 months from now.
I emphasize, that I enjoy a lot working on her.
I estimate on 6 - 10 months before I can really pour dolls thus don't expect it soon.
I want first be able to build dolls in a relyable way with reproduceable quality before I start to sell them.
I want to try to do it the Dutch way, down to earth to keep things simple, I think e.g. about only one skin tone and sticking to the Shirley body a long time thus only makeup wig and nails are the options in the hope that I can build one upfront now and then and thus deliver fast.

Mytime & Helen & Carmen
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Hi Gibbmodoll,

I'am already excited about what the Shirley body looks now, for two reasons, first because the bigger size adds for me some to the realism because I'am big myself and girls as small as the B7 Realdolls or Yvette body LD's are bit rare here, second because I have never worked on such big sculpt I had to weld a frame for it! But I still need to do a lot sculpting before I have really a body, so patience is needed before she shows up.
But a taller doll is IMO very nice, although the weight will increase, she will not be the lightest doll but you will get the most doll.
Although I would personally not advice this doll for people who are not tall enough to lift her or they need to use an office chair/doll hand truck/wheelchair to move her around else her legs will damage due that they touch the floor during moving her.

With Kind Regards,

Hi Guys,

I like to work on the doll and I hope I can succeed in building her.
However I have a feeling that this project can rip me financially.
Thus I feel I have to take care building this doll and go step by step.
I also express this to other hobby doll builders in this forum, think well before starting such big project.
However I did find out that I've same opinion on dolls as Howard Hughes had on airplanes:
I fucking like them, and thats why I spend my own money on building them.

Mytime & Helen & Carmen
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Hi All,

I'am still working on her, and making slow progress.
Its like building a kit car, its a lot of work.
I'am still in the process of sculpting her body, it goes well but I don't want to publish (photo's of) a not finished body, thus I will put probably another month of free evenings/sunday's work in her.
It goes all beside day job, and day job pays her development thus it goes not as fast as with people who can spend whole day on sculpting a doll, but I will get there.
I doubt bit about her length, she measures in the "molding position" 1.60 meter (something like 5'4") but you know that a doll that sits in that position has not straight legs.
Due to the position I build her in, I do not exactly know on which length she will turn out.
I think people who have build dolls like Bronwen and Matt/ AD/ PIB/ Matt M. may recognize this problem I'am talking about.
However I have tried to calculate what she would be when she is a doll, and has her legs stretched by measuring torso and legs and add these lengths. Though this is still a "calculated guess" I come on 1.70 meter, which is 5'8".
Thus I think she will turn out little smaller than I had in mind.
Though IMO this is not bad at all, she is still quite a bit bigger doll than a lot existing dolls and the fact that she may be little smaller than 5'10" which saves some weight and length makes her only easyer to handle, and attractive for more people.

Mytime & Helen & Carmen
Hi All,

I.B.S. trouble slowed me down, and delayed me a lot, I have been not fit enough to work on her after day job for 6 weeks, been home from day job 4 days, now I use fibre and probiotic this seems to help.
I work on her again since a week.
I use carputty to build the doll, I sculpt her mostly by myself more the traditional way.
Things go well but its still a lot work too, I wish I could use more advanced plasticine modelling clay but for the body thats too expensive for the face I will.
She gets a killer butt IMO but I think I have to work another month, maybe 2 months before I can show her body off, I can't exactly say I want her good before showing her.

Mytime & Helen & Carmen
Hi all,

I work still on body and doll.
The project has stood still during summer and a part of the autumn.
In summer it was too warm to work at the attic, and in first part of the autumn I have been very busy at day job due a coworker who quit his job.
I have done a lot work he did.
Though I'am working regulary on the body now and it looks like it goes well also looks like I can get live cast hands and feet on this doll, though I have still more work on the body.
I hope to be able to post more news soon.

Mytime & Helen & Carmen
Hi All,

Working on her, I think sometimes, that I work, grind on that body and see that there is again a can of carputty nearly empty :laugh: then I think I work on something super, it becomes a nice body.
Bigger than all the dolls available at this very moment as I know by now.
Very realistic for me due to the size. Maybe this becomes the doll for people who just want a bit taller doll, a full size doll! Although its a slim body but with a nice rear.
I will pour the real life cast hands this weekend, eager to know how it looks if they are attached to her.
However I need still to see how she moves, this is the first time I do this!
More soon I hope!

Mytime & Helen & Carmen
Being over 6foot 5 i look forward to seeing your masterpiece!.
am still undesided on what doll to go for being so tall
Hi all,

I feel happy to be able to anounce what will be the DreamQueen Shirley body sculpt 8).
I kept pulling and grinding and more and more dust came from the doll but she got more and more her final shape, and are happy to anounce the first pictures of her body, though minor details are still subjected to change.
I think she will be smaller than first anounced, I estimate her at around 1.70 meter, I can give final measurements when I have poured one and can assemble her head and stretch her legs.
Enjoy her pictures!



To give an impression of what the final doll will look like, this is her with a head of a rootstein mannequin I had still lurking around here and a wig...


Mytime & Helen & Carmen
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oh wow,, Mytime,

you've done an awsome job of her body, she has nice realistic curves & not too busty

she could be a dancer,

well done, I can't wait to see her in silicone
Hi all,

Still working on the doll busy with her head.
Have worked a long time on it but it is still not finished.
Day job is busy now and then and that delays often the doll a bit and sometimes other things like car maintenance and motorcycle maintenance cross the work on the doll.
Doing some of the car and motorcycle maintenance by myself saves a lot money.
Any way here her head so she is by now, I will work to get her more smooth and more symetric but this is as she is by now:


Goal is to try first to pour a test doll with a not very sophisticated skeleton, a skeleton simular to Gibmodolls dancing shoe dolly, it will work I think.
If that succeeds then I hope I succeed in getting proffesional help from a machine shop to get skeletons build that keep friction in the joints/stiff joints and thus are poseable.

Mytime & Helen & Carmen
hi mytime
Of some reason I missed the photos from march above in this thread,
but I must say, she has come alive now - very dollicious :D


Please post more photos, when you feel, there is new progress in the developement of her.

I would place her eyes (and maybe nose) just a little bit lower in her head,
but if you use a live model then you should of course use her proportions.



Hi all,

More work has been done and we work on a new head due I was not satisfied with the one I had made.
The head is about simular size as a Realdoll F11 but a lot different.

Mytime & Helen & Carmen
Guys, girls and dolls,

We work.


I think she improves.
Maybe we once get some other mfgrs a bit nervous :D.

Mytime & Helen & Carmen
You'll get your just rewards mytime.:)You've certainly put some time in on it. I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished version, I doubt it's going to be in the near future but as long as you keep at it the wait will be more than worth while.:)
Good work mytime! :)

I can see her coming together, and looking a little less angry than she did before... grrrr angry sex! :p

No offence meant. I know how hard it is to work and sculpt things into shape. :)