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Old 02-10-2014, 03:42 PM
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Wulfie Wulfie is offline
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Thanks folks for your kind comments
Lupes worked out well considering I didn't want her initially and then I've been stuffed for brass since as the money spent buying her should have gone on building work which I've had to do mainly myself.
Since her arrival, she was left in the spare room untouched as I'd get nothing done should I have started pics but this was a great weekend and the opportunity just came up that Sunday morning.

I gather the farmer rather enjoyed the photo session too
Yep, he'd stopped and watched me unload her on arrival on the Friday stopping and staring, same as last year and it was when she was up on the roadside as I was halfway through the shoot that he pulled up in his Landrover.
My thoughts we go....... but no, straight question from him when he pulled up alongside and after he'd looked her up and down, "How much does one of those cost?"
I told him the new price with import which made him drop his jaw and raise his eyebrows to which I added " but they don't answer back" - which got a huge grin/chuckle and a thumbs up as he drove off.
It was a good morning that morning.

We are all just a car crash, a diagnosis, an unexpected phone call, a newfound love,
or a broken heart away from becoming a completely different person.

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