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Old 11-10-2014, 11:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Sithlord View Post
Its a combination of everything!

Im paying 2k to a company i have only just come across, there is the buyers remorse feeling and the fact its all a bit secretive ( wife has no idea) just feels strange but i really want to go ahead and enjoy it, just struggling to say what the heck crack on and look forward to delivery!
I think that the pushing of the button is a dilema that we have all suffered, not just the should I buy a doll but is it the right one, the right skin colour, the right eye colour.

All that you can do with manufacturers and vendors is look at the posts both here and on TDF to get the full low down on others shared experiences. (TDF members seem to speak well of DreamDoll).

Thinking of the practicalities of your specific scenario without enquiring as to why you are buying her without your wifes knowledge (I fear a whole pandora's box hidden in that line).

Have you thought through the practicalities of the purchase under those conditions? How will you hide her? Have you considered the weight of the doll? (these dolls are not light and cannot be stored just anywhere). What about washing and powdering?

I really hope that you buy the doll that you want, everything goes smoothly and that you are very happy. I just wanted you to also think beyond the immediate purchase to the practicalities of ownership in your scenario as it would be terrible to see a couple of months down the line your current purchase as a for sale listing on here when the realities of having her (#1) living with you overtake the initial purchase.

Kindest regards,


#1 I note that you refer to the doll as "it". When they arrive that will soon change to "her" and "She". Trust me, you will see what I mean as todays dolls are as far from mere sex dolls as a BMW M3 from a childs peddle car.
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