Thread: A bit tied up
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Old 07-01-2023, 03:11 PM
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Default A bit tied up

Ooh, satin sheets. These feel nice.

It's about time you got decent bedding, Lulu, rather than the usual stuff from Poundstretcher.
Rude! I buy cheap bedding because I spend all my money on you, your brother, and Sasha.
Oops. I forgot about that.

Just for that, you can pose while I take some photos.
Must I?
You must.
Fine. It does feel awfully nice on my skin.

Later, after the photoshoot (in Rachel's main thread)
I'm so tired after all that. I think I'll just lie here and read this book I got for Christmas. Maybe practise a few knots for next time Sasha needs punishing.

Oh, can't... stay awake... zzzzzzzzzzzz....

I thought I heard snoring. What a lovely view, though. And what's she been reading? That bondage book she got for Christmas. Haha.

Hmm, I'll just gently take the book.

She's still asleep. I could get my own back after she humiliated me that time by making me strip and whipping me. Although I did rather enjoy it. She's dead to the world. I should be able to tie her up without her waking. She could sleep through an earthquake.

What the hell, Sasha? You bastard! Just you wait! I'll get you!
I don't know how you'll manage that. You seem to be a bit tied up at the moment.
Let me go! How dare you? These aren't even proper knots! If you're going to tie me up, at least do a decent job of it!
I will next time. I promise.

Carpe Diem

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