Where to buy a mannequin in EU?


Active New Member

I am planning to buy a mannequin and i allready contact the mannequinmall.com about that doll in all fours, she is so sexy -- > http://www.dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=140&t=58081 but they won´t send it to EU ( Finland ) and i am desperate, i really love that mannequin :cry: can anyone help me, is there a re-seller in EU where i can buy her?

Edit. they where very kind at mannequinmall.com and answered that the mannequin is out of stock.. so that´s the end of it :(
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Woot Woot!

Somewhere on here is an thread of mine for the likes of



(They're art works though and will be silly money if available)

as I too wanted one
but shipping from the USA was prohibitive. I did find a reseller in Germany of a similar 'table lady' (doll minus the glass) but didn't follow it up. I'll have a think and a look if I get time but we're talking of over 18 mths ago.
Thanks Wulfie and mandos :tu

Wulfie, that table and the chair looks interesting :D

mandos, i already contact ZNL but if they do not ship to Finland i will try manneking :)

Welcome Jakexi I am a new member myself so I cannot help you a lot but I can see how you fell in love with this mannequin. who could not, good luck with your hunt, the guys on the forum have been so good to me I'm sure someone will have the answers you need :welcome