Award Nomination- Cyber Ted


Old Timer
I would like to nominate Cyber Ted for The Wetsuit Platinum Star, Now i know this is for " Lifetime's Dedication to the Doll Loving Community" Ok so he has not been here a lifetime though it must feel like it sometimes so i will take out Lifetime and leave "Dedication to the Doll Loving Community" because every part of that is justified in recent weeks with the countless man hour he has put in to get this forum up and running again.

I hope he does not mind me say this but he has not been in the best of health recently but still managed to go above and beond during this time for the rest of us mere mortals to sort thing behind the scenes and to give us our forum back, I have no doubt there will be some ongoing stuff to fix and hopfully he will be there to do that.

Anyway i think it deserves recognition so Cybert Ted is hear by Nominated for The Wetsuit Platinum Star !


But I don't understand why he needs a wetsuit?

Best wishes


Hmm not sure if you know who wetsuit was, So let me enlighten those who don't know.

Wetsuit was more or less a Co founder of the forum when it started, He and Bob ran the forum, Sadly wetsuit passed away in April 2011 and these Awards are given in honour of this gentlman, in starting and helping in the beginning building this community we know today. > Wetsuit

Gets my vote. The Forum would have been history on more than one occasion if not for CT's work and the Wetsuit Platinum Award is just right. :b:b
Absolutely thirded or fourthed :confused: CT gets my :tu for this award without a doubt. Awesome behind the scenes sheer hard work much apreciated.
make it a fifth because i agree also glad there are members here that know about this computer gobble de gook stuff.

Unsung hero.

Certainly - for all the unrecognised work he puts in and especially during the recent crisis. Award long overdue.
Congrats Mr CyberTed you earned it :b

A box of tunnocks tea cakes are on their way to you :tu, Well the box is cos'i ate the teacakes. :D

Congrats CT, well deserved mate.:tu
Thank you for all your hard work and recent battles with the cyber gods. :b
