Shrugging shoulders


Gold Excellence Member
Does anyone else have shrugging shoulders that also rotate forwards?
When I attempt to lift her arms up to change her top the shoulders also move forwards and feel like they lock into place so I have to try and push her shoulders back whilst lifting her arm whilst also trying to make sure she doesn't fall over.
Just wondering what technique to use as it's getting annoying. I do like them though as it does make her look more relaxed/natural
Yup, Maddie has all the movements in her shoulders.

To some extent you are at the mercy of the joint tightness, but. If you make sure the shoulder joint is as close to 90' before trying to rotate it it helps.

I always have Maddie sitting down with a solid 'base' before starting to change her tops. This means sitting with her feet positioned on the floor and about a shoulders width apart to create a stable base, that way I dont have to be supporting her.

I make sure her arm is at 90' to the collar bone, then place one hand on her shoulder at the top of her arm, and on behind her elbow to bend it.

Yup, both my JY 166 (Helga/Ingrid/Patsy) and Gabrielle, my Fire-Doll, have shoulders that move forwards and backwards as well as up and down.
All mine have them, Monikas (XY Doll) are a loose enought for them to move if I just try move her arm, the WM157B girls are a bit tighter, Kata's are super tight.

I find they are easier to move if you have the arms at 90° from the side of her body as if she was pretending to be an aeroplane.
My lady has shoulders that move up and down, and forwards and backwards. Is the forwards and backwards what you mean by rotating?
The way I read it is that the shoulders are moving forwards when you lift the arms up. Does this happen when you lift the arms straight up from the front or the sides?
This doesn't happen with my gal, instead I have to move her arms into position first, then push, pull or lift etc. But, her shrug shoulder joints are still firm.

Yeah, three of mine have the full movement. I sit my girls down to properly maneuver them.
I'm a rarity I guess because I'd actually prefer NOT to have the shrugging shoulders.
I'm a rarity I guess because I'd actually prefer NOT to have the shrugging shoulders.
I wouldn't say I prefer non-shrugging, but I wouldn't go out of my way to have them either. To me, they are just another parameter for me to argue with!

I've found a back twist and a head tilt can achieve pretty much the same effect.
I wouldn't say I prefer non-shrugging, but I wouldn't go out of my way to have them either. To me, they are just another parameter for me to argue with!

I've found a back twist and a head tilt can achieve pretty much the same effect.

Agreed. :tu
Both Amy and Zoey have the shrug, I've noticed that the joint can be annoying to move properly, I sometimes move it around so much to pose that I forget which way to go when it needs to move back again!

At some point you reach a dead end and have to go the other way, no damage done...yet.
Glad it's not just me then, i move one arm fine then try the other and her hips move so I move them back and then her legs move, then I try and move the legs back and her knees bend :24 I swear the elves has told her to be as difficult as bloody possible
Glad it's not just me then, i move one arm fine then try the other and her hips move so I move them back and then her legs move, then I try and move the legs back and her knees bend :24 I swear the elves has told her to be as difficult as bloody possible

Yep sounds about right, the elves are definitely laughing.

Zoey is good at being rather uncooperative when trying to stand, knees are weak like us all! Amy does it better but I still find it hilarious when you think everything is straight only to stand up and realise she falls over...dammit.
they are easier to move if you have the arms at 90° from the side of her body as if she was pretending to be an aeroplane.


This gave me the clue I needed to fix a non-shrugging shoulder without resorting to brute force.

I'm a rarity I guess because I'd actually prefer NOT to have the shrugging shoulders.

I'm in the same boat.

Both Amy and Zoey have the shrug

Le shrug?
When i first got lucy she looked like a stroppy teen in a sulk. I never realised the shoulders moved back and forwards as well as up and down. They are handy but not essential