Tights / Pantyhose / Hosiery


The Shoe Shrine
We noticed a few people querying about tights and some even directly asking us for advice.

G is a bit of a connoisseur when it comes to hosiery, as stemmed from a young age, through being a cross dresser and now with having us ladies.

So we thought we would write up a little thread to help others and if you have any questions, please ask below and we will do our best to answer them.



Denier is the opacity of the weave used to make hosiery. The lower the number, the more sheer, higher the number the more opaque.

5, 10, 15 and 20 Denier are the Barely There to Sheer hosiery.
30 and 40 and Semi Opaque
50+ are Opaque

This comparison chart from Etsy Lingerie shows it best.




Sizes can be a bit of a headache, when I had a 155cm body, I would fit quite nicely in a Small pair tights. But since upgrading to a 160cm body, with longer legs, G had to go out and purchase me some Medium Size tights. Least Elena can still wear my Smaller tights.

But as a rule, Medium is probably the best size for most girls, unless you are over 170cm, then Large would probably better.

If you get too small a size, you run the risk of them not pulling up under our legs very well and have a big saggy bit between our legs, which doesn't look very nice and certainly won't work if you intended to put trousers or shorts on. Getting a larger size will prevent this, but be weary too big and they will be big on the feet too and look all saggy. (G pulled these down to give you an example of how they could look if they were too big).

Not a great look!
(G tells me about when he sees ladies out and about with "Nora Batty" tights, how he has to bite his tongue - it's a pet hate of his "Pull them up!! he shouts in his head).



Now this is something G is VERY particular with. He has a sensory thing when it comes to hosiery, one of the reasons he adores them. If you are looking for a simple protection layer, to help eliminate stains from clothes for example, then the most basic cheap tights you can find from a supermarket or cheapy shop is fine. But they generally don't feel to nice. They often have a rough texture.

However if you are wanting something that is nice to touch, looks sexy on and should last (see below for caring for hosiery below), then you are going to want to spend a bit more on your hosiery.

Sainsburys TU do some very nice tights, here I am wearing 60 Denier black, which comes in a pack of 3 different colours, Black, Green and Purple:

John Lewis (Waitrose), Marks and Spencer, Fiore, Aristoc, Pretty Polly, Giulia and Falke are good brands.
Primark do some nice ones too, with these you can feel them as most of them are in card packets, so you can feel the silkiness/softness and quality.

If you want to go up a further notch, then Wolford do amazing tights, but be prepared to sell your car, house, pet, organs, etc to buy them.



Looking after your hosiery is key to getting the most out of them.

When putting them on, try if possible to wear cotton gloves (similar to those that comes in our accessory pack in the box - but larger size obviously) or find some dust free surgical type gloves. This will prevent any loose skin, sharp nails and even oil/dirt from your hands, snagging and ruining the hosiery.

Washing them, SHOULD really be done by hand but if your washing machine has a gentle/hand wash/delicate cycle, then use a mesh bag with a zip and if possible, try not to spin them or put on the lowest spin possible. The spin, stretches them and weakens the thread and in time will bubble and fall apart and look horrible. Washing them with soft things, like our blankies or pillow cases is best. Do NOT put things with zips or buttons.

Drying, if possible, lay them on a soft towel some where and let them air dry. DO NOT tumble dry them. G did this once with some quite expensive tights from M&S and they come out with a spider web effect and were ruined, £10 down the drain.



Tights generally don't stain our TPE legs. I have worn black and coloured tights and even fishnet without staining. Might be worth though when wearing fishnets, to wear a pair of nude tights underneath, mainly to prevent the fishnet leaving indents in our legs if you are planning on leaving us sat or led for longer periods in them.

Tights look sensual on our legs, paired with a cute of heels, they can finish an outfit off.

G can sit for ages just running his finger round my legs, it soothes him if he is feeling a bit anxious or had a particularly stressful day. I don't mind, it feels nice for me too and makes me go sleepy hehe.

We hope this helps a bit for some people and as I said, if you want to know anything else, be sure to ask below and we will do our best to answer,

Chloe, Elena & G

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Thanks very much; following on from Maddie's (and K's) advice about protection, this is illuminating.

Do sizes vary by manufacturer? Over 170 often have disproportionately long legs; sexy in some cases, but long nevertheless. Caz, WM174G, uses Morrisons' own brand 'Nutmeg' as they are the only place that seems to do a wide range of tights in my small town and it avoids waiting for internet shopping. However, she takes XXL as even XL aren't long enough to get up to her crotch properly; they don't seem baggy along the legs, but then again I'm using them as protection so the feet and waist are normally hidden by something else.
Excellent guide Gavla, all good advice.

My experience so far agrees that if you think small will do it, go for medium - Meili is a a short girl but she has surprisingly long legs so small just wouldn't go comfortably without the dreaded baggy crotch.

Another observation - tights seem to be a lottery in terms of quality and longevity. I got some lovely tights from Amazon which look and feel awesome, however they stretch. After wearing them once (her not me!!) I took them off carefully, but they are definitely longer after putting them back on. They still look good but the waistband could easily go up to the bottom of Meili's boobs :D
Cheers Gavla. Very useful :tu

I think that the best way to care for hosiery is to not let Karrots Kaia anywhere near it :21:24
Thank you for comments.

Do sizes vary by manufacturer?

They can do, annoyingly. Some even have "one size" which I have bought from Shein before now and they clearly were too small for Chloe. So Elena ended up with them. But the Fishnets I got from there, fits Chloe just fine.

I am surprised you need XL or even XXL. I would of thought Medium or Large would of been ample. The TU tights Chloe is wearing at the moment, are Medium size and they would go over her breasts if I oinked them up enough, but they sat just under her breasts. Chloe is a 160a but has long legs. I know Adam has said his 166's, Ashley and Skye, wear medium, not sure on Emmas new bod, but would think the same size.

Another observation - tights seem to be a lottery in terms of quality and longevity.

Again this does depend on the manufacturing process and what materials are used.

The Italian made tights and even the UK made ones are good quality. But tights are designed to stretch some what after being worn. Chinese tights aren't the best quality and will snag easily too. It is that whole saying of "You get what you pay for". We have tried many many tights - Chloe has a drawer just full of tights and woe betide anyone who tries to borrow any apart from her sister - and found the above brands to be of better quality. :)
Thanks Gavla very helpful,I wear neoprene gloves due to rough skin on my hands,Jaynes skin gets bobbles otherwise....:(

Great summary.

I would like to add that dolls with massive tights or hip need a larger size too.