Gold star nomination


Golden Diamond Member
I would very much like to see psion be upgraded from silver to gold. If it wasnt for him we may not have had such an amazing venue for the meet which he arranged and paid for.
But on a more personal level its for what he did for me this weekend. I thought i was gonna have a quiet time in the corner with Emma in her wedding dress whilst everyone else did their thing. Psion dedicated a huge chunk of the day to making things so special for me. Taking a ton of photos of me and Emma which we all know will be fantastic. Then secretly with lulu arranging a beautiful cake and champagne. Im not used to people being so nice to me and i couldnt hide the fact that i had to fight back the tears at one point. So thank you my friend
Honestly, I think we all deserve gold stars for making it such a great weekend!

I have no qualms whatsoever about pricking Mr Psion again...
Agreed - Psion definitely deserves a gold star for visiting the venue last year and arranging this amazing weekend for us all. Also for putting in so much time and effort into making Adam and Emma's day special with all the photography and making plans for the cake with me - arranging that was so much fun. And on a side note, he brought some lovely presents for Rachel (she's wearing her necklace). An all round lovely, generous bloke who I'm very proud to call a friend :D
Late to the party today but fifth'd from me.

Why I thought his star was Platinum already I don't know!

Anyway, adding to the above, when Katy wanted to retire from her modelling career Psion let her come to stay in the Shire. He drove down with her, didn't want any money, just wanted her to have a great, loving, secure home amongst other girls just like her for the rest of her days. So, if anyone else also thinks that he should be a Platinum star shout up otherwise he has mine and all my girls full backing for gold :tu

The Stars are kept in a Safe, in Sam's back bedroom..:rolleyes:

Sam, Make sure you find Psion a big one...:tu
Ok so after a rummage i found the last one it was a wee bit dusty but it cleaned up pretty well, Not a big one though so need to order some for future nominees :tu

Congrats Psion and thank you :b

Sam.. :)
I would very much like to see psion be upgraded from silver to gold. If it wasnt for him we may not have had such an amazing venue for the meet which he arranged and paid for.
But on a more personal level its for what he did for me this weekend. I thought i was gonna have a quiet time in the corner with Emma in her wedding dress whilst everyone else did their thing. Psion dedicated a huge chunk of the day to making things so special for me. Taking a ton of photos of me and Emma which we all know will be fantastic. Then secretly with lulu arranging a beautiful cake and champagne. Im not used to people being so nice to me and i couldn't hide the fact that i had to fight back the tears at one point. So thank you my friend

Com on mr P... When you're ready... Front and center! :p

Oh FFS stop it you big softy, you'll get me going now!

Adam, seriously, it was a joy being part of you and Emma's special day. No thanks needed; I'm just pleased to be able to call you a friend.

I'll put the star in the cupboard and bring it out when I need something sparkly to put on Kayla's shoes.

...and for all you other buggers that seconded, thirded etc, yep, I'm also happy to call you proper friends in the true sense of the word. Not just virtual FB or 2nd Life avatars that pass in the night.

Thanks guys and girls, I'm genuinely touched :tu
