Daniel Outstays his Welcome


Golden Diamond Member
Part 3 of Daniel's story. Imagine this is a week or so after Part 2. He's really not doing himself any favours :confused:

Daniel: (thinking) I can see you up there at the window, sexy girl.

Rachel: (thinking) He looks gorgeous out there with that tan and his white shorts.

Now, that's a nice view!

What the fuck, Daniel? Can't you knock?!
*CHUCKLE* Sorry, I'll wait outside.

(thinking) Unbelievable. He's hot, but he's so rude.
(calling through the door) Can I come in yet?
If you must.

I'm sorry I barged in. You look beautiful.
Oh! Well, um, thanks.
How about a little kiss?

Come on. I saw you looking at me through the window. You liked what you saw?
You love yourself far too much. Take your hands off me.
There's nothing wrong with a bit of fun.
Get the fuck off me!

Sihtric: If my sister says get your hands off, do it! Who the hell do you think you are?
Aww, come on, man, we were just fooling around.
You were, you mean. You're an arsehole!
That's not what you were thinking when you were gawking at me through the window.

You've been asking for that since you arrived. We're family here. We care for and support each other. We don't act like the sun shines out of our backsides, or take advantage. You're treading on very thin ice...!

Are you okay, sis?
Of course I'm okay. I'd have kneed him in the balls if you hadn't come in.

*CHUCKLE* That's my Rachel.

Yeah. About time pretty boy got put in his place. Well done Sihtric :b :b :b

Right, off to get me popcorn. How does Daniel come back from this?
Yeah. About time pretty boy got put in his place. Well done Sihtric :b :b :b

Right, off to get me popcorn. How does Daniel come back from this?

Daniel's going to have to get off his high horse and apologise. Or leave! :eek:
Daniel had that coming, good on Sihtric sticking up for Rachel, that's what brothers are for.
Daniel had that coming, good on Sihtric sticking up for Rachel, that's what brothers are for.

Thanks for reading, Seth. I'm having a lot of fun doing this story. More to come. Daniel needs to do something to turn things around :D
I like Daniel :21 ...don't change him too much ...just maybe a minor adjustment ...like knowing when no means no :D
I like Daniel :21 ...don't change him too much ...just maybe a minor adjustment ...like knowing when no means no :D

I like him too. I didn't bond with him the first day, but I have now, I'm happy to say. Once he finds his feet with the others though, they need to turn him into a presentable band member for the gig of the year :D
I like him too. I didn't bond with him the first day, but I have now, I'm happy to say. Once he finds his feet with the others though, they need to turn him into a presentable band member for the gig of the year :D

Yeah sure ...but every good band needs an edgy member that upsets the world and behaves badly ...I could reel of twenty :tu
Yeah sure ...but every good band needs an edgy member that upsets the world and behaves badly ...I could reel of twenty :tu

Well, since Dolly Crue is influenced by Motley Crue, there's plenty of bad behaviour right there for my lot to copy :eek:
How very dare he try it on with Little Miss Stroppy. Hannah is outraged :21