Hello, it's great to be here!

Your doing the right thing holding off. Weight is an issue for me too. There is a manufacturer called Happy Doll that makes a plush body doll which comes with a silicone head. I don't own one as I can manage with the sub 32kg TPE dolls I have. Not sure if there is a UK vendor for Happy Doll but might be one for you to look into.
Hi Kenzie do you think then that in real life the doll might not look like it does in the photos?

I'm absolutely sure of it. The way promo photos are done is one of my biggest gripes about doll shopping, yes they look great but they're not realistic. Even the squished excuse of a burger you get from Maccies looks more like the display board than a doll does it's promo pics. The make-up, the lighting, the editing, all come together to make it look as attractive as possible and encourage sales. On the other hand, the bonus is it demonstrates that you can easily switch up the looks of your doll with a simple make-over, new wig or even a change of clothes. And seeing as the makeup is easily re-done, it is wise to pick a head based on the structure of the face rather than the makeup (hyper-realistic silicone may be an exception to this but I have no experience with silicone....yet).

You really need to see some in person if you can, at the very least some factory photos. They obviously do not move, breathe or watch you, it can be strange at first.

Lucidtoys is a vendor on here, and they have a warehouse you can arrange to visit by appointment to see the dolls you are interested in. Ok, they rename most of the ranges, and its hard to find what you're after, but you can search through then see the factory photos they list by going to the Warehouse Images option. At least you'll get a better idea of what you're getting, but nothing compares to seeing them in real life.
Still looking!

Your doing the right thing holding off. Weight is an issue for me too. There is a manufacturer called Happy Doll that makes a plush body doll which comes with a silicone head. I don't own one as I can manage with the sub 32kg TPE dolls I have. Not sure if there is a UK vendor for Happy Doll but might be one for you to look into.

Still looking! Probably will always be looking and not buying! Has anyone used this site before: https://betterlovedoll.com ? I am always unsure whether a site is genuine or not. I must have looked at at least 20 sites now and if (that’s a very big if) I ever bought I expect it would be from one of the well-known sites that are regularly mentioned on here but I would like to know of other sites to look at.
Hi Graham :welcome

Like you I have an issue with weight, (being over 70 my strength isn't what it was) my Elina weighs 28kg with her head attached. We have been together nearly five years now, like other members I can vividly recall the day she arrived. The joy I felt at her arrival has not diminished one iota. I have a second head, an OR (Oriental Rose, part of the Jinsan group) that I need to get a body for. I have been looking for a few years now. I have managed to get it down to a selection of four. All of these weigh in between 28-30kg. I will list the body number and give you a link where you can see her, they are in height order. Remember you are NOT looking at her face just her body.

Irontech 155cm https://www.thesilverdoll.co.uk/doll-gallery/irontech-doll-155cm-cecelia-in-pink-top/

WM 156C https://www.thesilverdoll.co.uk/doll-gallery/wm-dolls-156cm-xiaoyu-takes-a-shower/

OR 156B https://www.thesilverdoll.co.uk/doll-gallery/or-doll-156cm-b-cup-heidi-at-the-castle/

AF 160 https://www.thesilverdoll.co.uk/doll-gallery/af-doll-160cm-b-cup-anne-in-white-nightie/

The names given relate only to the head.

Most, if not all can be obtained at cheaper prices here in UK

Irontech go to Lucid Toys

WM & OR go to The Doll House

I'm not too sure about AF, sorry, I think Lucid had some at one time, not sure if the 160 was one of them. Silicone Lovers may also be worth a look.

The reason I used The Silver Doll Company is that they hold all the doll galleries. They are based in Hong Kong, the only reason they use co.uk. is to display the price in the correct currency for that country.


SJ Elina & Rosina.
Weight issues

Hi Graham :welcome

Like you I have an issue with weight, (being over 70 my strength isn't what it was) my Elina weighs 28kg with her head attached. We have been together nearly five years now, like other members I can vividly recall the day she arrived. The joy I felt at her arrival has not diminished one iota. I have a second head, an OR (Oriental Rose, part of the Jinsan group) that I need to get a body for. I have been looking for a few years now. I have managed to get it down to a selection of four. All of these weigh in between 28-30kg. I will list the body number and give you a link where you can see her, they are in height order. Remember you are NOT looking at her face just her body.

Irontech 155cm https://www.thesilverdoll.co.uk/doll-gallery/irontech-doll-155cm-cecelia-in-pink-top/

WM 156C https://www.thesilverdoll.co.uk/doll-gallery/wm-dolls-156cm-xiaoyu-takes-a-shower/

OR 156B https://www.thesilverdoll.co.uk/doll-gallery/or-doll-156cm-b-cup-heidi-at-the-castle/

AF 160 https://www.thesilverdoll.co.uk/doll-gallery/af-doll-160cm-b-cup-anne-in-white-nightie/

The names given relate only to the head.

Most, if not all can be obtained at cheaper prices here in UK

Irontech go to Lucid Toys

WM & OR go to The Doll House

I'm not too sure about AF, sorry, I think Lucid had some at one time, not sure if the 160 was one of them. Silicone Lovers may also be worth a look.

The reason I used The Silver Doll Company is that they hold all the doll galleries. They are based in Hong Kong, the only reason they use co.uk. is to display the price in the correct currency for that country.


SJ Elina & Rosina.

Thanks for the info. I’m in my 60’s and it’s a bad back that makes me cautious about lifting heavy weights. I find it amazing at just how heavy some of the dolls are. I have seen some sites that list dolls at 50 kg! A large number are over 40 kg and I wouldn’t go near anything of that weight. I have previously looked at all the websites you listed and there are very few dolls available under 30 kg but occasionally there are those that have the option of ‘reduced weight’ but even those are normally dolls that start out around 35 kg and have 4 or 5 kg reduction. Sometimes I have seen doll bodies that are about the right weight but the options available for heads are not to my liking. The heads I see that I like are from different manufacturers and the body weights are too high. I have tried asking questions about mixing bodies from one manufacturer and heads from another but the general consensus of opinion is that it isn’t a good idea if you want the skin tones to match. I shall keep looking as I am in no rush and it’s still a case of ‘If’ and not ‘When’ as I have not made that final commitment yet. I guess I will know when I see the right one.
Kind regards,
Hello Graham

The four dolls listed are within the lower weight group, the OR 156B is, I believe 27.5kgs, the Irontech 155 is 30kgs - circa 2kgs for the head = 28kgs.

Regarding the mixing of different manufacturers for heads and bodies, Elina was a 'direct from factory' (in China) purchase, skin tone Natural. Later I purchased a second head, an OR (Oriental Rose, part of Jinsan) 'Rose' this too was in Natural. Here is the introduction of Rosina to the forum. Can you tell they are from totally different manufacturers? It runs for two pages both with photographs.

The only issue that I am aware of is when you order a coloured skin tone, like tan for example, as different manufactures have their own versions. These slight differences can be overcome with items like chokers, scarves, polo necked sweaters, etc., etc.

Also, in my case my skin is different colours, my hands, lower arms, face and neck are usually brown (due to being in the sunlight), the rest of my body is pale due to being covered almost all the time.

Finally, it was the morning of my 65 birthday, I had officially retired. I woke relieved that I didn't have to rush about like a 'blue arsed fly with diarrhoea' to get ready to go work. As I turned over and saw the empty pillow beside me, my next thought was 'that needs filling!' So began the search for a doll. My first choice was a Realdoll 'Rebecca' priced in 2019 at $2500.00 quite acceptable I thought, then I discovered that only got her to the front door, sales tax had to be added, then the transport to the airport, air fare, customs and the journey to my home, it was rapidly approaching 10+ grand. Far too expensive for someone with a life expectancy of about twenty years. I went online to China and that's where I found my Elina at a fraction of that cost. If I had purchased soon after I had lost my wife, some twenty years prior then Rebecca may well be living with me now. I didn't, Rebecca isn't and eventually I met Elina who is.

All the best in your search.

Kind regards.

Hi Graham..when you do find a girl you really like I'd advise you to share a link here so someone may be able to verify her weight. I've had girls arrive that turned out to be heavier than advertised.
Best of luck
Hi Graham..when you do find a girl you really like I'd advise you to share a link here so someone may be able to verify her weight. I've had girls arrive that turned out to be heavier than advertised.
Best of luck

Hi. Thanks for that. Yes I have noticed two different sites selling identical dolls and listing them as being of totally different weights. It’s certainly a minefield! Graham
Hello Graham

The four dolls listed are within the lower weight group, the OR 156B is, I believe 27.5kgs, the Irontech 155 is 30kgs - circa 2kgs for the head = 28kgs.

Regarding the mixing of different manufacturers for heads and bodies, Elina was a 'direct from factory' (in China) purchase, skin tone Natural. Later I purchased a second head, an OR (Oriental Rose, part of Jinsan) 'Rose' this too was in Natural. Here is the introduction of Rosina to the forum. Can you tell they are from totally different manufacturers? It runs for two pages both with photographs.

The only issue that I am aware of is when you order a coloured skin tone, like tan for example, as different manufactures have their own versions. These slight differences can be overcome with items like chokers, scarves, polo necked sweaters, etc., etc.

Also, in my case my skin is different colours, my hands, lower arms, face and neck are usually brown (due to being in the sunlight), the rest of my body is pale due to being covered almost all the time.

Finally, it was the morning of my 65 birthday, I had officially retired. I woke relieved that I didn't have to rush about like a 'blue arsed fly with diarrhoea' to get ready to go work. As I turned over and saw the empty pillow beside me, my next thought was 'that needs filling!' So began the search for a doll. My first choice was a Realdoll 'Rebecca' priced in 2019 at $2500.00 quite acceptable I thought, then I discovered that only got her to the front door, sales tax had to be added, then the transport to the airport, air fare, customs and the journey to my home, it was rapidly approaching 10+ grand. Far too expensive for someone with a life expectancy of about twenty years. I went online to China and that's where I found my Elina at a fraction of that cost. If I had purchased soon after I had lost my wife, some twenty years prior then Rebecca may well be living with me now. I didn't, Rebecca isn't and eventually I met Elina who is.

All the best in your search.

Kind regards.


To give you some idea as to what I would like them to look like here’s two I like: https://cloudclimax.co.uk/product/zelex-silicone-170cm-head-ge115-moving-jaw/?mot_t
As you can see I don’t want them to look like teenagers but at least in their 20’s and preferably older but both of these are listed as being in excess of 36 kg which is quite a bit heavier than I wanted, one even states that this is considered to be a ‘high weight doll’. I was hoping for something nearer to 27 kg but maybe I am not being realistic in my expectations, I don’t know. Then there is the price, each of these is almost £2,000 which is definitely more than I want to pay. I am surprised at just how costly they are. If either of these heads could be on a lighter body and hopefully a cheaper body (I know I am probably being unrealistic there!) then possibly I may be getting somewhere. I may just wait and come back to the whole thing another time…next year!