Problem with forums?

I have had a problem that sounds like it might be the same but this is what I get and this is what I do...

If the site hasn't loaded up after a few seconds I tried to refresh it with the result that it still wouldn't load up...bear in mind I have no patience so I don't know if it goes to the error page.

What does seem to work for me is rather than just refreshing it I click the stop button, for those who don't know it's the cross at the end of the address bar(at least it is in Firefox), then when I click refresh the site comes up no problem.

Not sure if this helps, I'm guessing that it is the same problem others are having but as I've said, I have no patience and always do something rather than waiting for ages.Anyway it may be something for people to try.
.......What does seem to work for me is rather than just refreshing it I click the stop button, for those who don't know it's the cross at the end of the address bar(at least it is in Firefox), then when I click refresh the site comes up no problem.............
You Sir are what is known on the net as a Reeeefresh Monkey. :D

Reeefresh Monkies sit with their mouse pointer hovering over the browser X (stop), their right index finger poised over the left mouse button and their left index finger on the F5 key. Skilled refresh monkies can refresh their page hundreds of times a minute.
They are usually found trying to snipe ebay in the last two seconds of an online sale, studiosly bent over their keyboard waiting for the latest patch for their super duper Uber game to be released or watching their favourite forum and double triple checking for the latest comment from their fellow forum junkies. :drool
They can be identified by the worn WASD, LCtrl and F5 keys on their keyboards, and their constant need for a direct IV to Starbucks. The only patience they know of is the OUT one at the hospital when they go to have their index fingers regrafted. ;)

Which reminds me, the latest DLC for Skyrim will be released soon and I've gotta go as my coffee level is dropping to dangerously low levels and I've got to complete another level of Hitman before bed. :D

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You Sir are what is known on the net as a Reeeefresh Monkey. :D

Reeefresh Monkies sit with their mouse pointer hovering over the browser X (stop), their right index finger poised over the left mouse button and their left index finger on the F5 key. Skilled refresh monkies can refresh their page hundreds of times a minute.
They are usually found trying to snipe ebay in the last two seconds of an online sale, studiosly bent over their keyboard waiting for the latest patch for their super duper Uber game to be released or watching their favourite forum and double triple checking for the latest comment from their fellow forum junkies. :drool
They can be identified by the worn WASD, LCtrl and F5 keys on their keyboards, and their constant need for a direct IV to Starbucks. The only patience they know of is the OUT one at the hospital when they go to have their index fingers regrafted. ;)

Which reminds me, the latest DLC for Skyrim will be released soon and I've gotta go as my coffee level is dropping to dangerously low levels and I've got to complete another level of Hitman before bed. :D


LOL, I'm really not that bad, yeah I do snipe on Ebay sometimes other than that I do usually wait for a short while but I'm so used to this site coming up almost instantly that when it didn't I did my thang. I actually described slightly wrong, after I click the stop button I don't refresh but click the link in Firefox for this forum. If I remember rightly clicking on the refresh after stopping didn't work. Sorry about that.

It worked for me so I thought it might work for others.

Didn't know you were a cyber bully:21
That worked OK Holly.

Everything our end looks fine. :)

I'm trying to find out if there is a major peering issue or similar in the UK ATM. :wall

Just had a failure trying to post a lengthy reply to a thread. Got an "Internet Explorer couldn't connect to the page" type error. Luckily, this is one of the very rare forums, where hitting back, gets you everything you typed back, so I could just resubmit.

You should have a word with Den of Angels about that, their forums seems to fail regularly, and simply dump everything you typed... very annoying.

So Kudos to these forums for that. :)