Plastic or Fiberglass ?


Active Member
Just wondering what is the best, Plastic or a fiberglass Mannequin? As I have no idea, but I have seen on the net people doing make overs on them, to get them looking just how they like them.

When I say make overs, I suppose they are just being painted. But is it possible to paint both Fiberglass and Plastic Mannequins?

Another point, are fiberglass mannequins rigid? Yes I mean rigid, not frigid!
I would go with Fiberglass as you can repair and mod them, have you seen these's by Gibbmodoll, at one time he was making them, I am not sure if he still is, but I could ask him, check them out here

And again here,

Think the body is soft, they move and pose, and one can make love to them :).

Wow they look really great, would love one myself. I have seen some second hand on and they look so sexy. Just I was not sure of the pros and cons, but thanks for that bit of info, cheers. :tu
They look fantastic.
I would say that the plastic ones (My Sam and Em are a couple) are also easy to mod and are lighter than the fibreglass ones.
Sex is possible (with a lot of very careful modding) but they are not robust. Arms, legs and head have all at various times been known to come off during more intimate moments.:whistle:
The head issue as detailed seperately I've resolved. Legs issue is an occurence too rare to make an issue of (once in almost five years), but the arms op risks destroying the mannequin and this is where fibreflass wins as where fibreglass is repairable the plastic ones are (in my experience) not... Although, thinking about it, it may be possible to fix the plastic with fibreglass if you can get it to bind so basicaly creating a hybrid.
Personal coice would be plastic but then I'm biased (and very attached to my girls).

What a gorgeous face she has, now I would love a doll that looked like her :)
Arms, legs and head have all at various times been known to come off during more intimate moments.:whistle:

:wtf :eek::eek::eek: Arrrrggghhh!!! Mid coital decapitation? That could put you off for life. There are some gorgeous looking mannequins around though (I love the look of the Loutoff mannequins) and if I had the space I'd have a house full of them.
Plastic or Fiberglass, I will have either to tell you the truth. But judging by what I have now heard, and read on the net. It would seem fiberglass is better, or at least in terms of more lifelike features, while plastic might be more durable.

But as I said I will have either, as I have not seen anything for sale near me!
:wtf :eek::eek::eek: Arrrrggghhh!!! Mid coital decapitation? That could put you off for life. There are some gorgeous looking mannequins around though (I love the look of the Loutoff mannequins) and if I had the space I'd have a house full of them.

Yep, these are Loutoff ones.
The arms are the worst part as one risks destroying the mannequin with any major surgery around the connectors between the arms and torso.
Everything else can be modded to perfection.
As you say though, they are absolutely stunning. I think that its the realistic eyes and eyelashes that really set them apart from the pack and at times I've considered the option of a complete body transplant although being honest I do find their existing bods very sexy despite the major shortcomings!
I've looked a lot at the above Gibbmodoll pics and cannot help but think that they are not completely fibreglass (looking at what appears to be a seam on Nadia's leg making me think that she's a hybrid).
Certainly I'm thinking that those are not mannequins that you are going to be able to buy anywhere.
There's always this one


the leg unscrews and you also have somewhere to place your whisky glass or tinny :cool::cool:
Sad as I am I'm looking at the pic and thinking of the required modifications.

The issue that I see is that a one hollow unit its not just going to be a matter of drilling out the private area but rather drilling out, filling completely with a material thats not going to add a huge amount to the weightbut keep something like a long can in place whilst the material dries in order to be able to use a removable insert.
from where the limbs join she looks to be more appropriate for sex face down as the other way up you would do yourself damage on the sharp edges of the limb connections.
Could be a major project there of casting from the limbs. to create softer legs / arms for missionary position sex.
Sure that you can tell that I've looked at this one before. There's also another where she is on her knee's reclining with arms behind her which is just begging for modification for cowboy / reverse cowboy.
I would certainly purchase both of those two even though they are the heavier fibreglass.