mp3 player


Golden Diamond Member
HELP! Just had to log in again and I cant remember how to shut that f***in player off and its doin my head in!
In case of doubt click the lil' double arrow button to the top right of it...

cu cuddly
:confused::confused::confused: No idea. What browser are you using?

Oh, well then close the browser or even shut down and restart the comp. Some bug, I guess?
Ahhh, I sussed it hahaha. DOH! I had the forum open twice and didnt notice one of them mustve been when I first logged inPhew!
never had the player problem as my bookmark brings me straight to my profile :p and i just go to new posts from there :D
Same here as a rule but I defragged then ran ccleaner and when my pc rebooted I had to log in to all my sites afresh.
Next site maintenance period I may remove the player altogether.

I've been checking our logfiles in light of what's been going on on TDF and can see that recently the majority of the bandwidth use has been the MP3 downloading. I'm betting that most of us have it turned off.


It does get a tad annoying after.......2 seconds:o sorry:rolleyes:
You could run a poll but I have a feeling it would be a one-horse race.
I never use it, just Youtube on which I select my background sounds if I'm in the mood.
The tune isn't wrong for one time. It's too much for each time.
I switched it off, but I have to do that again each time I throw away my cookies.
I think it should be on all the time in all forums as punishment for you all:D, but is is unique to the forum and you can switch it off :).

Now who would like jingle bells for Chritmas:D.

You do that and I'll send her round to yours...with these! :D

Hadn't really noticed the mp3 player as my laptop speakers are muted most of the time, so I won't be complaining if it's removed. Same goes for all the other unnecessary clutter.
I've been saying for ages I'd love a working chatroom and would even be willing to make a small donation to help make it so.