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Old 28-05-2012, 10:27 AM
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Default I Totally Agree With Both Of You

Hi guys, when i got my firstTeddybabe she was just going to be for sex, but she became so much more! She became a little lady in her own right.
A cuddle companion, comforter, someone to talk to and watch films and listen to music with. A little lady to care for and love!
One thing that i used to miss was a cuddle with a nice girl and i'm pleased to say jessica, and now Maria fullfill that need in a wonderfull way! Maria never pushes me away when i want a cuddle, in fact i think she would like it if i cuddled her all day. Maria never gets moody, says she's got a headache and let's me be myself!
I think i have even noticed that she smiles at me when i come home from work!
She's a STAR and my girlfriend and i love her to bits, and i don't give a shit what people think of me!
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Old 28-05-2012, 12:11 PM
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Congratualtions alanberkos. I hope you manage to get her soon, she's stunning, looking forward to seeing her pics here on the forum.
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Old 28-05-2012, 02:31 PM
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@LoverBoy: "One thing that i used to miss was a cuddle with a nice girl"

This is what I think we all need here. Becuase sadly, girls out there today to give a simple cuddle either need see you pocket or first will break your balls over it.

Talk to, cry with, relax on tv, YEAH, without all the bullshit you get from neyrotic women today. The today woman is or will be the one holding the phone between the ear and the shoulder talking with a stupid friend while making dinner and pushing with her feet the baby from the kitchen.

Oh MFG, I need freedom, I need my doll who knows what I know.

My exWife today tried for a milionth time to make me feel bad plaing to get a new husband. Personaly I dont know who that would be, as long as he is fine with my daughter I am fine with hit. But boy i feel sorry for him already.

So i told her, my next woman, will not get Fat, will not get pregnant and will not get old!

She goes, thats impossible.

I went silent. Its my life. Only need some time, few months and I will have what I always wanted.

Sure some people would say, "ok she look real, ok she is great at sex, but i think he has issues, he just need a silent thing".

Well, I spent many nghts alone in my life, many times really alone, sometimes with a woman on the bed and still alone. But i can tell you one thing, it was never silent, the voice was always there, talking to me, arguing with me, sharing a laugh with me. Now, the voice will take shape, and a great one!

I am putting down my first £500 on the next days on a savings account especialy for her. Hopping to raise tha funds around new year.

I dont think anything can compare with a great looking woman whos brain is in our head!
Damn prood to be a future Sinthetics Doll Owner!
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Old 28-05-2012, 04:28 PM
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Default They listen and don't complain.

I guess a lot of us guys have been shafted by life but maybe there isn't one single answer and a dolly may help you to become stable enough to cope or ignore the frustrations. You look to put so much weight on her ability to solve your problems that I hope you won't be disappointed. She will listen, not complain, give you company and warmth and unconditional affection but it's not all one way and you have to be prepared to give to her too. I really can understand your raging at the world, having just broken free of the bars - I know how I was, a ranting madman for a while. But don't just take, give yourself to your doll and she will allow the softer, gentler side of you an outlet and you will be able to be a calmer, happier person.
So you are planning to buy a sinthetics - she looks a lovely girl. No way I could afford such and I understand they are as heavy as the real thing. Do have a look at the Teddy Babe section of this forum and you'll see how much we love our dollies. The fact that they aren't 100% authentic is actually fine by us because they really are fantasy creations with somewhat exaggerated features and are lovely and soft and warm and huggable; great fun, as well as being very light and easy to manage. I'd urge everyone to try one.
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Old 28-05-2012, 09:21 PM
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Today I went to Watford to make some shopping. It was a nice day, I was with my exWife and daughter. I was looking the odd girl on the road, registering details like hair, legs etc, whatever does it for me.

At some point we were in a clothes store. It was then I saw some lingery. No reason to explain what i started thinking. Buying things for her. I was soon looking on accessories, rings, hats, scarfs, sandals.

Then we went to a furnish store. I moved recently to the area and have yet no fully equiped my flat. I found my self testing a sofa and looking to my left where she will be.

No I am not expecting too much from her, because I do most alone. It is probably the writing thing, that when I walk, work, drive, shop, I imagine things happening. For me watching someone on the street is not just someone, it can be a whole story, with colors, tears, laughs, milion of parametres and complications.

My life is a constant scenario. I talk to people and while one part of my brain comunicate with them, another is formin a comepletly alternative reality at the same time, with dialogues, actions and most of the time comepletly different results.

It is for my a gate the twilight zone, where horrible realities are explained through an optimistic fantasy. (this is paraphrased of someting Stephen King said once).

Dear Kats012, There is nothing to excpect in my world where my doll will live, becasue there I am the creator and God. I was always detouched from the real world, I was always giving rather than taking and that croosified me.

Let me tell you how I feel thinking of the first night with my doll. Shy.

I will treat her as I did any other woman I met, I never planed anyting on the first night we slept together and mostly I wanted to hug and sleep with them. Yes there were occasions that fucking prevailed on the first date also. But my doll will be respected above all pushy I ate.

I will have a nice dinner, watch a nice film from the real movies I admire (Thiking of Bela Tarr's Damnation, see picture at the end of this post) and we will share my (our) favorite single malt Whisky, Cardhu.

She will be a phiscal existance of the voice in my head. The weight on that had beem applied many years ago, I would say since I can remeber my self.

I know it may not make sense to most people, maybe it does to people of this forum, but this is the best way to put it.

My doll, my Iphigenia, will be the ticket to be safely living in my world. Kind of Lucid dreaming without dreaming.

The following picture is from my favorite Director, Bela Tarr, movie Damnation.

Damn prood to be a future Sinthetics Doll Owner!
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Old 28-05-2012, 11:13 PM
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Default I understand

As you said earlier, the world out there is like "The Matrix." Since a traumatic event in childhood, I've never felt connected to it in the way other people seem so easily to be. It's always been like there's a glass wall between myself and the world and society outsdie - I can see but I cannot touch or be a part of! All my attempts to be accepted have ended in hurt and disaster so I've tended to be solitary and "inside my head" - a watcher but not a participant. I have no family save one errant brother.
When you are young you can deflect all sorts but as you grow older, the clouds roll in.
Still, my doll Kat is a great comfort and eases my lonliness. I have given her a life history and identitiy and a character and personality and I interact with her every day. I guess she helps me to have as "normal" a relationship as I can sustain and I love her for that. You mentioned photography earlier and Kat has been great fun in that respect - check out her albums
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Old 28-05-2012, 11:45 PM
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I like the one doing work in the kitchen. I really like the one she is looking out of the window. The one at the computer is the way I seat when I work, hey is that a guitar tuner there? Reading this magazine is really nice.

I can see from the photos she is part of your life.

Then life is an illusion isnt it? I mean, how many times all of us have heared a bitch saying "you were living a lie", "i think you are a dreamer, you should wake up", "in your dreams".

Well, why the fuck should I be accused living a dream whenever someone dont give a shit about my feelings and not choose living my own dream where i stear the wheel?

Personaly, I ma 39 and I cant say i have been a hearbreaker, but I had a good run diging pushies around. I can say beyond my fantasy world, that banging my doll will be far more great than any fucking bitch out there who I must drive home, pay her drinks, remeber her fucking borthday, accept her complexes, her low inteligence, worry she got preganant, accept hes brainles friends, her family, her pets, her driving, her attitude, eating of my plate, sharing my toothbrush, having an opinion on anything and above all have to deal with those days of the fucking month.

On another level, people today, although "advertising" they are open minded they are actualy taboo-ed, unable to speak their mind on anything written on the history, afraid to critisise the politics, puppets to the faulty democracy, consumers on all kinds of art, pets looking for a treat, hungry to eat waste and igger to dispose the real esense of life. People today shop on the super market Dildos, swallow blue pills, drink and flirt with primary parametre the casual satisfaction and splurge.

Those people are disabled, unable to define the word "unconditional", They luck the brain to broadcast love if not get something for it and for me that means paid for it.

Their punishment is that they get old, after you know them for a while they get ordinary, not intresting. That scares the hell out of them, that past the first pages anyone would through their lifes book to the floor.

People are strange, but I am weird. I love me and hate them, their plan didnt work. I may suffer being alone without my kind of people, but I never wanted to be with the ordinary people.

I can love my self and my doll. I know it cost a fucking lot to get it, but I dont think I would spend less in a year with any bith out there, traveling, drinking, living under the same roof with me paying the fucking bills, getting her presents on every aniversary, every xmas, every easter, ever fucking Valentines, every birthday, every time she loose a job, she get a job, her friend get married, her sister gave birth, she crashed the car, FUCK YOU!

I knew from 2000ish when I saw the first love dool this is my destination.

Getting there...
Damn prood to be a future Sinthetics Doll Owner!
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