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Old 06-02-2015, 07:12 PM
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Half way into the unboxing they stopped and Coral said This is strange.

She and Jewel looked into the box from each end.

This is really Strange she repeated. Weird agreed Jewel, nodding.

They both pulled back the final wrapping and leant into the box.

You're going to want to see this said Coral

I could see quite a lot right now, but am always game for more. I leant over for a better look.

Oi not there perv, down here, look.

So I looked, .......I'm easily distracted. Then I suddenly realised what they were so excited about. I could see fur in the bottom of the box.

Plot..? What Plot..? I thought you had it.

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Old 06-02-2015, 08:59 PM
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The girls pulled back the remaining packaging to reveal.......

This one's really heavy exclaimed Jewel as she tried to pick one up.

So is this one replied Coral.

Oh look there's papers said Coral, maybe this will explain it she added as she opened the bag containing the documents.

Coral handed me the papers, there were three sheets, one in Chinese, almost exactly like the original that had arrived from Hong Kong but this one was undamaged. Behind it was a translation into English and finally a sheet with the magical symbols on one side and a rough translation on the other. Great now we could make sense of it all.

We told Krystal to put the guns away and to let Amber know that there was no need for a security cordon any more, we were unlikely to be overpowered by a plush Fox or a furry Red Panda.

There was another bag of stuff in the box which we put aside, it contained a water bottle, a little USB stick and some very skimpy nightwear. I'll enjoy investigating that later.

On looking at the papers I could now happily read what had caused the girls so much concern earlier, they had been quite close at times, but miles out at others. The first page was titled "Care and Use of your T.P.E. Doll", Oh well, that explains the 'TeePee' reading further it mentioned repairs using special glue, and stain removal using a particular cream, the penny was beginning to drop.

The final part of the sheet was a table of contents, and listed a 148cm TPE Yourdoll along with two heads. This was strange as all that was in the box was the plushies and the other items. No mention of a Fox or Panda on the sheet.

Meanwhile the girls had been studying the magic translation. Oooh they are magic Chinese shape shifting creatures exclaimed Coral, they are called 'Huli-Jing'.

These are two special Huli-Jing sisters who have inhabited the heads of the doll which has been sent from China to help at the Tower. They will stay asleep while they wear their masks but can be awoken once they are removed. We have to recite some special words.
There is a big warning though, they say that the Huli-Jing is a Sucky Bus,
No, it says Succubus, that's what I said, silly! Anyway we girls are all OK, they only prey on Human males, particularly those prone to fall for feminine charms and wiles.
Both girls turned to each other and rolled their eyes.

Plot..? What Plot..? I thought you had it.

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Old 06-02-2015, 09:00 PM
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It says here the Red Panda is a 'Firefox' her name is 'Jasmyn' and she is a kind and helpful spirit who will "provide great service" here at the Tower, but she would not leave China without her sister. It says her sister the Fox is a cunning and wiley spirit, she can tempt men away from their proper tasks and drain all their energies. The fox is called 'Liilye', she has bright emerald eyes and fiery red hair. Oh oh CT, you are in trouble, it's been nice knowing you.

Both girls have special magics and can shapeshift back into their creatures at will. But it says that due to a tragic curse only one can be in human form at any one time.

Right, we better leave their masks on until we know a bit more about this. I stated.
No that would be no fun said Coral, lets see what happens if we wake the Panda one.
Oh that's not good
she said as she read further, when their mask is first removed they can only be awakened in their human form by a human male who has to recite special words.
Oh go on CT give it a go.

I was as intrigued as they were and probably shouldn't have done this but I lifted the Red Panda, on her pillow, out of the box and laid her on my bed. I moved the box to the other side of the bed to make space.

OK take off her mask and she will wake but stay as a Panda said Coral, reading from the translation.

I really should know better by now.

The Panda awoke, shook her head and then sat looking at me.

Lift her off the cushion and put her on the bed said Coral

The Panda sat on the bed looking at each of us in turn. As if willing Coral to continue, she turned to face her.

OK CT you have to put your finger on her nose and say, "Spirit of the Firefox, Come to me sweet Jasmyn."

I really, really should know better, but:

Spirit of the Firefox, Come to me sweet Jasmyn.


Plot..? What Plot..? I thought you had it.

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Old 06-02-2015, 10:09 PM
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Wow I squeeked, still holding my finger on the girl's nose. She sat perched casually on the edge of my bed, naked and unabashed.

Err Coral, what do I do now.

Before Coral could answer, the Girl, in accented English asked, are you my new Master?

I pulled my finger away in shock, marvelling at the delightful scene in front of me.

Errr.... maybe I replied.

My name is Jasmyn, either you are, or you are not my new master she stated, there is no maybe. Did you not call for me, she added?

Errr, Yes, OK, I said. Still not quite sure what was going on here.

She looked around.

Is this where I will live, with you, Master? she asked.

I turned to the Teddy Babes, noticing for the first time that they had strategically placed themselves behind the wardrobe nearest to the door.

Coral poked her head out and nodded vigourously, I suspect an ulterior motive but can't quite work it out right now.

Yes it is, and please call me CT. You are in a Tower in England many miles away from China, you are welcome to stay here.

Thank you, Master CT. she said in melodious reply.
Plot..? What Plot..? I thought you had it.

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Old 06-02-2015, 10:09 PM
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Jasmyn looked up at me and asked,

Master CT is my sister Liilye, the Fox, here with me, I would be so upset if she were not?

Yes, she's here.
I replied, Lifting the Fox from it's pillow and handing it to her.

Thank you Master CT, she is my only remaining sister and I love her dearly. May I wake her?

I could hardly refuse, so nodded my head in affirmation.

Jasmyn removed the mask from the Fox, who woke, looked around at us, taking everything in before snuggling into Jasmyn's lap, between her knees.

Master CT, I am worried that my sister was cold and unwell on our journey, could you call her and check that she is well please, I would be honoured if you could call me again if you should wish once you are sure she is OK.

'In for a penny' I thought, I did feel strangely compelled to comply with the lovely Jasmyn's request, in fact I'm pretty sure she could have asked for just about anything right then.

Alright Coral what do I have to say this time?

Err.. are you sure?? .....Alright then. ...Put you finger on the Fox's nose and say "Spirit of the Fox, come to me Fiery Liilye", but wait a minute before you do, Jewel and I need to get closer to the door.

OK, go for it.

I stood before Jasmyn, put my finger on the Fox's nose and said Spirit of the Fox, come to me Fiery Liilye.


Plot..? What Plot..? I thought you had it.

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Old 06-02-2015, 10:52 PM
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Eeeek. Jasmyn had disappeared. In her place Liilye, sitting on the edge of the bed, casually swinging one leg and looking up at me, ....questioning but silent.

She paused, watching me, slowly she lifted her legs, swung round and reclined on the bed. Still watching me, she started running one hand over her belly.

She turned her gaze away from me. .....I felt a loss.

I was so cold she said, it is so long since I was in this form, it feels so good to be in my body once more.
Liilye ran her hands up and down her belly and over her leg.

She arched her back, raising each leg in turn, stretching and examining her toes.

Her hands ran down her belly, and slowly slid between her legs.

I found myself transfixed, unable to move. I stood motionless, watching, aware of nothing but the movement of the beauty on the bed.

I have been so cold, she said, it is warm in this place, now I too will be warm, I will like it here. You will come to like me being here.

Oi CT snap out of it, said a little voice in my head, again it repeated, and once more before I realised that it was Coral, tugging at my belt and pulling me away from temptation.

I repeatedly shook my head, forced my eyes from the vision before me and stepped away, turning my back on the figure on my bed.

That was close, I thought. I had planned a big report for all the guys on the forum and I nearly blew it.

I shook my head again, trying to clear the vision of the writhing Liilye from my mind.
Plot..? What Plot..? I thought you had it.

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Old 06-02-2015, 10:58 PM
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Right, thanks Coral I'll be OK now, I just need to sort out my photo kit.
All is good. All the batteries are fully charged, I have plenty of memory card, and I'm good to go.

I left the room to grab the kit I needed, Coral and Jewel followed.

These photos will be great for the Hotspot, Phil will be pleased.

On re-entering the bedroom I stopped in my tracks.

There was just one thing I had not forseen.

Succubi do not 'play fair'.

Plot..? What Plot..? I thought you had it.

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Old 06-02-2015, 11:58 PM
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Inspired by “Strange Stories from Liaozhai’s Studio” by Pu Songling. China
Various Anime/Manga/Hentai 'Kitsune' stories. Japan

Liilye is a 2015 148cm TPE doll from Yourdoll (YL Dolls), Liilye's head is the Shael head.
Jasmyn is a WM Dolls head that was custom supplied and matched to the doll by YL dolls, thanks Eric.

Special thanks to Samurai who's pictures of his Elf were the inspiration for me obtaining this new TPE doll, your advice was appreciated. Cheers bud.

Massive thank you to Karrot for the gift of the Wig that Jasmyn wears. The colouring is perfect for her IMO.

Last but not least, to Bob (Gibbmodoll) for creating this fun place for us to play and post these stories.

Thanks to all those who left or leave comments.

For those who read this far here's a wee treat. This is 'Kitsune', but is similar in concept.

Plot..? What Plot..? I thought you had it.

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Old 07-02-2015, 12:27 AM
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Wow CT, FANTASTIC STORY! What a load of great pics! So congrats to your new arrivals, or should I maybe say "hope to hear from you one day..."?

So one assumption of mine was right, I quote myself from page 2:
Originally Posted by cuddly View Post
IMHO Paul has given an essential hint here! Tepee - hehehe...
TEPEE - the rest was mysterious enough! Two heads - ah well...
Originally Posted by Cyber Ted View Post
... and I nearly blew it.
Oh sure!!! Bet you did

Now for me as the plush lover - could your scientific researching geniuses find a way to detach their animal form from their doll form? Then pls. send the former to us as pets. I'm sure you'll keep the doll forms, though

CU cuddly and Lian
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Old 07-02-2015, 01:34 AM
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Excellent stuff and congratulations for a successful trip to the Tower(which seems to be filling up quite well).

When I saw this pic....

...I think I woke my neighbour with my laughter

A fantastic way to introduce your new ladies
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