Award Nomination- Adam&Emma


The Shoe Shrine
I didn't even know this was an actual thing and it got me thinking of when Adam has helped Chloe and I.

So firstly he very kindly made and gave, at no cost a wonderful solid headstand and some feet protectors, which has proved invaluable in saving my girls ripping their beloved hosiery.

But the biggest act he did, was come to our rescue back in September, when I had bought a huge heavy body for Chloe as I hadn't checked its weight when I collected from Lucidtoys. The staff had loaded it into he car and it wasn't until I got it home, I realised just how heavy it was and Chloes little head looked so lost on it.

Seeing my poor love looking like that, made me break down in tears and had a huge anxiety attack. Phoned Adam who knew how I must of felt and said he was coming down. He took time off work and drove down that night and got here about midnight after a well over 2hr drive. The following day after calling Lucid, Adam drove me down to their warehouse, where we swapped the body for the 155B.

The fact we only spoke on the phone a few times and both of us not very good with meeting new people, we entrusted ourselves and he stayed the weekend with me. Had a shopping day in Cheltenham on the Sunday too. It was that weekend he adopted Lucy off me as well. :)

Have always been forever grateful and in his debt for this selfless action. So a big thank you from all of us at the shoeporium. ❤️ :tu

Adam is one of the kindest, most helpful and generous people I've ever met. He's an amazing friend to me and my dolls, and has given me and them so much help and advice over the past year. Just today he was at my house most of the day, "operating" on Sasha about which I'm in the middle of writing a post, and giving me photography and lighting tips, as well as bringing a gift for Rachel.

A big thank you from the four of us at Casa de Lulu :b
Normally a silver star would be appropriate for helping a fellow member or members, however Karrot has been directly involved in helping numerous members on the forum, in person at the meet and as stated by Stoney by visiting to help with a particularly difficult repair. This is above and beyond silver star activity and merits the Forum's higher award.


This was posted when I was nominated some time back.

With the above in mind I not only Second the motion for an award but also table that it be a Gold Star, because Adam has on numerous occasions gone out of his way to help forum members.

Hear Hear ^ I know he has helped LuLu with her little family and helped me no end. Not only with the girls, but as an ear to listen to when I had needed to vent or was feeling low.
Is fourthed a word, if it is or not, fourhed by me

Adam, a true gentleman, has helped me both on and off the forum, photography, lighting and more
Is Fifthed a word?

Who cares, Adam is quite possibly one of the nicest guys you could hope to meet. Yep, he's a big beardy bastard, but under that gruff façade is one of the most lovely, genuine and kind hearted humans you'll ever have the pleasure of knowing.

He's gone out of his way for more that a few members on here, so give that man a star!

Congratulations Adam&Emma on your Gold start award (upgraded from Silver)
as i totaly agree with Mr Karrot


Aw guys.. Bless you all. Not really sure what to say. I feel quite humble. Give me some time for the smug grin to wear off lol. Happy to call you my friends and always happy to help you if i can.. Thank you