Are We Girls Allowed To Nominate Humans For Awards?


Retired Member
Hi, i would like to nominate CyberTed. He has done a lot for the Plush community on the forum. He also made me a lovely pair of eyelashes so that i can have a proper sleep. He also set up the thread for us girls to put our details into and has helped others with advice and has set up this great Wetsuit award scheme. J's asleep at the moment, but i'm sure he would agree. Anyway thats my pennies worth. If i cannot nominate then that's okay, but i think your cool CyberTed!
Maria xxx
Thank you for your post Maria but the award scheme is one area where the dollies are not allowed to propose an award. Thanks for your kind comments though. :)

..... i think your cool CyberTed!

And I think you're cool too Maria. :cool: :)


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