Journalist looking for contributors


New Member
Hi, I hope you don't mind me posting here. My name's Brit Dawson, I'm a journalist working on a piece for British GQ about people who consider themselves to be in relationships with love dolls.

The feature will be a longread, and will tell the stories of those in these relationships – how they got into them, what the dynamic is like, how their families and friends responded, how they see the future of artificial companionship, etc.

I'm looking for additional contributors based in the UK, and wondered if any of you would be interested in speaking with me for my piece? You can remain anonymous.

I understand that many of you will be hesitant about speaking to the press, but I want to reassure you that I've written widely about sex and sexual subcultures, and will handle this story with care and treat its subjects with respect. The feature will be narrative-led and sex-positive.

You can find examples of my previous work here:

If you're interested in speaking, please drop me an email: brittanymaedawson(at)gmail(dot)com. Thank you!
Frankly, the constant barrage of 'academics' and the 'press' is becoming somewhat tiresome.

The title of this forum is 'UK Love Doll Forum', not 'UK Sex Doll Forum'.

You have reached a place where sex is not the primary motivator, despite your apparent preconceived notions.
I agree with the esteemed member above :withstupi

a word to the wise, don't private message anyone unless they have expressed interest, it didn't work with the last guy, I don't think it will work for you any better.

p.s. have a look at my sig for how I view my relationship
Thank you both for replying! I want to clarify that I'm specifically exploring loving, romantic partnerships between people and their dolls, as opposed to sex. As an example, two people have shared their stories in detail – how they first discovered their love of dolls, what the relationship means to them (companionship in times of loneliness; respite from the messiness of human relationships), and their day-to-day lives with their doll partners.

My aim is offer readers an insight into the lives of doll owners, and to hopefully encourage them to look beyond 'sex' dolls and clickbait headlines and understand motivations for owning a doll, and the life-altering benefits it can provide.

No pressure of course, and I'm sorry if you've been inundated with academics and journalists – I can totally understand the frustration in a private setting like this. I would just love to get some insight from UK-based doll owners, as much mainstream attention has been on the US.
Ah, I can see my choice of writing 'sex and sexual subcultures' was off-base – I apologise! I've written widely about sex and relationships, and unique subcultures within that realm, is what I mean. I'm acutely aware that dolls provide companionship for many, and didn't mean to imply otherwise.
...My aim is offer readers an insight into the lives of doll owners, and to hopefully encourage them to look beyond 'sex' dolls and clickbait headlines and understand motivations for owning a doll, and the life-altering benefits it can provide...
Might I suggest you obtain one for yourself and experience the relationship development first hand? Each and every one of us is different and we really don't appreciate labels.

I can't see there being much difference between the US and the UK. Why would there be?
‘People, like to make themselves into smaller groups of people, in order to feel strong, by excluding others.’

‘There are dozens of us! DOZENS!!’

:wtf :b

This Journalist asked politely about relationships with love dolls.
She did not define any characteristics of those relationships.
To take offence that sexual activities are presumed to be involved is nonsense.

The hostility is unwarranted and unbecoming.

I don't see any hostility and it doesn't appear that red_h3ad does either, Algae was simply clarifying a regular misunderstanding due to part of the opening post, which was then explained more clearly by red_h3ad, also nobody said they were offended about anything.
hostile, me? no!

I was just trying to be friendly and warn against pm's as the last journalist said they wouldn't send any without prior contact and then pm'd me and others who hadn't expressed any interest
:welcome red_h3ad

I have to congratulate you.:b

You're the first Journo in my time here that's had the brains to post directly on the site, I normally have to give them a kick up their backside to stop them upsetting members with unsolicited private messages.

Personally this is not my thing, I am sure some members will help.

Best of Luck.

I'm happy to have a chat about this over email or private message under the guarantee of anonymity. This is for professional reasons, not because I'm ashamed. I'm sure we can all agree that as doll fans we're a somewhat unique - and very often maligned - fringe group.

I hope that anything written about the community will be done so with genuine respect and integrity, and not for cheap thrills or clickbait.
I've only just checked this again after the weekend – thank you so much to everyone who's replied! I really appreciate the responses and advice. I'll reply individually to those interested. Thanks again!
Hi everyone! I wanted to let you know that my story has gone live:

Due to time constraints, I wasn't able to speak to anyone from the UK Love Doll Forum, but I really appreciate people responding to me and agreeing to contribute. I'll be sure to get in contact should I write about the community again (which I'd like to!).

I hope you all like the piece, and you feel it reflects the community well.

Thanks again!
I enjoyed reading the article. Thanks for sharing.
On the whole it was a balanced presentation of doll ownership. Although, in my opinion, it did fall in to the trap of trying to justify and explain doll companionship to the wider community when many - including myself - don't seek to or feel the need to validate our existence.
I'm still waiting for the article to be written that focuses on the guy that has had hundreds of lovers, retains many female friends, has no negative opinion or terrible experience with women but simply prefers the company and intimacy of dolls to real people. There's this need to outline issues, inadequacies or relationship failures as if it's a path in to this strange world. What about the confident, attractive, happy, sociable successful guy that just digs living with dolls?
I'll have to wait a little longer it seems.
But I did enjoy reading your article. It was thoughtful and well written :tu
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My view is different to AD's.

I found the piece to have too many little... not so much errors as me thinking "No, thats not right".... to really get past. It wasn't a hatchet job which was nice and I think that the sort of things that I was picking up on were not really the sort of things that most readership of GQ wouldn't pick up on.

well, maybe with the exception of "artificial doll"... That would be a breather :21:24... No worries, easy mistake when one is excited about writing a peice on such a fantastic subject.

I won't go through all of the mistakes that I found as, as I say, they are things that we notice but anyone outside this world wouldn't.... Actually... Except maybe the line that singles out ODC and TDF but then puts us in brackets next to TDF as their UK equivalent.... Way to get us all back in our trenches that Tommo's only just managed to nail a do not enter sign on.

That may not make sense... Think of it that you just wrote "Ford, General Motors (and their German counterpart BMW)".

Bet that just made Tommo's day seeing the site link in GQ... Said tongue in cheek. We're going to get a load of peeps appearing for five minutes and all of them are going to need to be approved and monitored by him (Tommo mate... either put the new members shutters up for a month or come join us in the trenches :21).

Oh, and that Mrs potato head doll :21:24 Of all of the dolls images that could be used you just have to look at her hands to know the quality of that one. Anyone could go to Jinsan and buy a dozen different girls that look more like the woman in the pic than the one that she's got sat next to her. Being fair she probably just wants to make as much money as possible so buy cheap as chips, slap your name on it and add a zero to the price tag.... Make hay while the sun shines and all that

I think that another opportunity has been missed to show these girls as we see them. I don't think that it was a bad peice but it just seemed to go over the same old ground in the same way with the same people in it that have been in so many articles and TV programs before.

You should have spoken to Lulu. Your article would have been completely different... And I wouldn't be sitting here scratching my head thinking.... Revere Realldoll???.... Think that you spelt Jinsan incorrectly :21:24.

Anyway, congrats on getting published. Its not really my cup of tea but thanks for not doing a hatchet job on us.

I saw plenty of positives in it, although I did pick up on a few things (UK counterpart indeed!) And yes, if I'd got involved in this there certainly would have been a different female viewpoint. I didn't offer because I'd literally just spent a lot of time helping another person with a similar project. But on the whole I thought this was a decent article.