Where did the plush sub-forum go?


Silver Member
I have been away from the forum for a while because of family illness.

It looks as if there has been a reorganisation of sub-fora.

Has the Plush sub-forum been archived? If so, where?
There was a restructure last year after a complaint to the hosting company. This lead to the site enforcing new rules concerning minimum height limits for allowed dolls, and as part of that the Teddybabe\Plush forums are still hidden away.

So does that mean that Lesly is no longer allowed on the forum? as she is a TB standard.
The Teddybabe forum remains on the site, I don't believe that group of forums were even taken off the site for long when the site closed down on 12th April 2023, or at least they were back on site on the 30th April when we came back online again.
All posts in every forum were removed in their entirety from the site, they don't come back on the site until they are checked. Over 284,000 posts are on this site now, around 17% still remain unchecked, that's around 47000 post. The plush forum is one that is sitting there still unchecked.