Hair experiments - opinions appreciated

Kate Kane

Platinum Member
I've been trying out some different hairstyles on Melanie to try and see which looks right for her. I think I know which I prefer but I'd appreciate it if you folks wouldn't mind taking a look and let me know which you think best suits her.

Short light brown 'boy cut'

This is the first style I gave Mel straight after I completed work on her.

Long golden blond

I thought this one was a keeper until I tried some of the others and then wasn't so sure.

Pale blond centre parted

I don't think this one suits her at all. I originally bought this wig for Katie but it didn't suit her round features either. So, apart from these two brief try out sessions with the girls it is otherwise brand new. If anyone thinks it would work with one of their girls and would like it just pm me and I'll happily send it rather than see it just consigned to the bottom of the wig box.

Red shoulder length bob

You can never have too many redheads.

Long mid brown

Long red

This is another of Katie's old wigs, from her days as a redhead. It was in a bit of a state, badly frizzed and pretty lifeless. However, after washing with a mild shampoo in warm water, shaking out the excess and allowing to air dry, I treated it with a wig treatment oil called Dimples I bought on Ebay. This really revived revived the wig and after a bit of a re-style with electric hair clippers, taking out any remaining frizzy bits, it looks and feels great again.

What do you think?
Well I think the first one suits the shape of her face and brings out her eyes.
So that would be my choice.
This is strange, :confused: I'm normally a lover of long hair. Long hair would almost always be my first choice. I don't mind the constant brushing and 'faffing' as I enjoy it as much as they do.

This would, however, appear to be one of my 'almost always' moments.

The two that I think best suit Melanie, in order of preference, are;


and this.


This is strange, :confused: I'm normally a lover of long hair. Long hair would almost always be my first choice. I don't mind the constant brushing and 'faffing' as I enjoy it as much as they do.

This would, however, appear to be one of my 'almost always' moments.

The two that I think best suit Melanie, in order of preference, are;


and this.



Likewise :tu:tu
First one. :tu


The shape of her face is counterpointed by the shorter hair, giving a more elegant look.

The first one is my choice:tu It really does suit her face.

The blonde wigs tend to give her eyes a startled look, in my humble yet honest opinion.

At the end of the day it's your choice but so far it's almost unanimous.
Yes, I concur, I'm a long hair lover from way back, but the first short cut suits her best,:tu then the shoulder length red.
I think Revol is right about the blonde, but that may be angle or lighting.

I like the first one for a more mature look, but the shoulder length red bob for the 18 to 20 year old look.
We totally agree - the first (short brown) wig is favourite.
Kirsty sends her regards to Signe - and Melanie - and hopes to be in touch personally very soon. As you can see, she also Kirsty 2a.jpgfavours a short hairstyle!
Many thanks guys. Wow, that's a pretty overwhelming endorsement for the short cut. I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised as I bought that wig specifically to match her looks. You can't argue with public opinion, except that, silly old sod that I am, I've really rather fallen in love with her as a redhead in the last two days while she has been wearing the red wigs - as she still is. I know, I know, ask for advice then ignore it :wtf:wall:confused::no:. There's only one thing for it - back to eBay to find another short boy cut wig, this time in red.

revoL's right about the rather startled look in the blond photos. In fact, I think she looks a bit startled in all the pics, but the blond locks exacerbate the effect. All the pics were taken very late in the evening in a not terribly well lit room. I didn't have my tripod to hand and pushing the ISO too far would have made the images too grainy, so flash was essential. It was in a pretty confined space and quite close up so, even though I used a soft diffuser on the pop-up flash, the effect was quite hard, the reflection in her eyes causing the overly surprised look which she doesn't have in real life.

Good to hear from you and Kirsty Cummagen. Signe says hi. In fact she's upstairs now waiting patiently (as if!) for me to finish doing this as we're about to start a new photoshoot.

Ok, duty calls. Many thanks for all your contributions guys.