I have a model to cast;)


Active New Member
I have a model to cast in the next 4 weeks time for my love dolls.

Let's just say it was luck because of my wife that is good friends with her.

She is 6 foot tall petite chest but perky.She has nice hips that are a little boney but not too much.
Tottaly flat stumach nice feet and hands.
Awesome lips and face.
And a nice stiff but.
I can't wait to get started on my cast of her.:)
Thank you but it will take some time to do it right the first time though.

I'm a picky guy so everything has to be just right.

It's the inside structure that will be the key as well with body in any pose;)
Hi fflamingmoe,

Thats one just taller than mine.
I'am working on a 5'8" fullsize doll.
Just got steel today again, first got steel for the frame to sculpt the doll on, now for a stand that can be used for Carmen but eventually too for sculpting stand for the doll.
I'am of the same opinion, I spend a lot time on perfectionering the sculpture and the cores.

Mytime & Helen & Carmen
Hey have you ever done a silicone pour into a 6 foot doll mold ?
That's assuming you are doing a silicone pour.
I have a 5'2'' perky petite 34 b life cast myself.
IM starting to think a few of us should start a UK based doll firm lol.
Otherwise we are all going to be reinventing the wheel.
Where if we worked together we could produce a serious product.

What are you using to take the life cast?
I ask because yesterday I discovered some alginates contain cancer causing ingredients like silica or something.
Very worrying!
And finally who are you using to supply your materials?
All the best.
Hi Royce,

Hey have you ever done a silicone pour into a 6 foot doll mold ?

Yup I will need to go "upstairs" with a big bucket 60 lbs silicone to pour that doll, I know.
I have a local supplier for alignate, bandages and plaster, due to this I can buy for prices not much can get this gear.
A release agent is used for the alignate, the release agent comes on the skin first and thus provides some protection.
If you want to go as safe as possible then it could be a deal to pay more use a very skin safe alignate as e.g. alja safe from Reynolds http://www.reynoldsam.com/index.php?cPath=3_1185
The only way to omit the whole casting is going with modern rapid design technology's that involve renting a 3D scanner which maybe affordable http://www.3d-scannen.nl/modules.php?name=Content but what do you with such data? I think you will end up having the model printed by a huge 3D printer but I think that will set you back several K pond sterling.

Mytime & Helen & Carmen
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btw how much you pay to models ? 500, 1000 £ or more ? I have few bust ygirls, they want 1000£ for casting, its much or not ?