whats this


Golden Diamond Member
on some members pictures i get this instead of the image does anyone know what it means and how to sort it please ?

Hi Phil you can't sort it as the image is hosted offsite at an image hosting webpage and when you get that picture it means the image has been deleted.

Ideally posters should be using the album facility here free of charge. I've seen the same on other sites and it appears from discussion that Photobucket like a couple of other sites brought in a charge and if not paid they were slotted.
A more technical response is that their servers block requests to any of their hosted images by limiting which IP's can request it. It's known at 'hotlinking'.

It's to reduce bandwidth use (and associated costs) and, of course, prompt people to buy the service.

I had this issue when someone directly linked to images on another of my concepts, thereby infringing copyright. It also totally skews any useful statistics.

If fun though when you see their website full of 'STOLEN FROM' images instead of what they expect. :D
Thanks guys :confused::confused:
It comes up when other members show some of their older pictures is all so its a shame I just see that
I have about 5,500 on Photobucket and up until 1/7/17 it was free storage and I was able to share them on forums, etc, then the next day I had an email saying that if I wanted to continue sharing my photos I'd have to pay them $400 a year. No other options were available. :mad: