A Guest at Lulu's House


Golden Diamond Member
Psion and Rose came to visit for Christmas for a few days and Rose loved all the attention of her friend Rachel and 4 sexy boys:-

Rachel: Do you like our home, Rose?
Rose: I love it.
Rachel: And the boys are all as smitten with you as my stupid brother. I've seen them flirting with you.
Rose: Oops. Sorry.
Rachel: Don't be silly. I love having another girl here for a change. Here comes Lulu with her camera.
Rose: Better pout and aim to look sexy.
Rachel: You don't have to try, girl!
Rose: Nor do you. That outfit is HOT.

Lulu's camera: *click* *whirr* *snap snap* *clickety click*

Rachel: And relax. I think they've finished for now.
Rose: I enjoyed that. I haven't had much attention from Psion lately.
Rachel: *giggle* Lulu's as bad. Nash arrived last week and she hasn't done a single shoot with him yet. They're too distracted by each other.
Rose: *giggle giggle*


Rachel: Rose! You can come out of the cupboard now! He's gone!

Sasha: Here, Rose. Brownie bites from Hotel Chocolat.
Daniel: Some port for you, Rose. The best quality.
Rose: Ooh, boys, I feel so spoiled.

Rose (thinking): I can't believe Psion didn't notice I was missing when he left. I'm going to enjoy my stay here.

Psion 300 miles away (thinking): I'm sure I've left something behind...
Thanks, guys. Rachel and Rose are as thick as thieves and have already been shopping on my eBay account :wall