Award Nomination -Minato


Golden Diamond Member
I would like to propose Minato for the Silver Star under the Wetsuit Award Scheme for his gifts to the Members at the Meet.

For the 2014 Meet there was a heavy package sent from France with unknown contents and to be opened and shared free amongst our Members.
Not knowing what to expect I was given a large box by the venue and it was like Christmas come early with all sorts of assorted lingerie which were duly shared out.
For someone who could not attend, it was a lovely gesture and much appreciated.
Thanks for the nomination and all the seconders, and thirders and...... et al. :D

A Wetsuit Silver Star is most definitely appropriate to mark minato's generosity to his fellow members. :b

The box of goodies for the members at the meet was a really nice gesture and well deserving of recognition here on the forum. :tu

minato, it is my pleasure to award you, on behalf of the whole forum, a Wetsuit Silver Star.


Congratulations on your award, :tu the small star below will now attach itself to your signature by the power of forum magic. ;)


Well deserved.

Very well deserved a most active and generous member. Kat was most grateful for her wedding gloves.
Though nothing of the box fitted Stellai or Rosaleintje, and I doubt if my vote carries any weight, I of course also fully support the giving of this special star to Minato. Since it already has been granted to you by now, I send you my congratulations! :b:b:b
