Upload Problem


Old Timer
Hello can A staff member have a look at my profile as i do not have an upload button in my picture gallery so there for can't upload any new picture to my albums.


as the duly appointed and sole member of the "Campaign to Get Sam More Pics" I hereby demand that we Get Sam More Pics so that he can upload those wholesome photos of beautiful ladies and also upskirt and knicker shots. :whistle:

Hmm... We were looking at album limits a few weeks ago Mr. S.

You MAY be able to see this: https://www.uklovedollforums.co.uk/forum/showpost.php?p=310621&postcount=6

I've looked at your groups sir, and it seems you might be limited to 2000 total.

I can't edit this, but Mr. T. should be able to prod as necessary.


Cheers algaeholics, i can edit albums and pictures but there is no upload button to press:confused:

I have delete a couple of non relevant pictures to see if that helps but the magic button is still invisible :confused:

as the duly appointed and sole member of the "Campaign to Get Sam More Pics" I hereby demand that we Get Sam More Pics so that he can upload those wholesome photos of beautiful ladies and also upskirt and knicker shots. :whistle:


Oh you know me so well :D

You will not be disappointed ;)

Sam.. :)
I deleted a couple of albums that had old & irrelevant pics in them so not sure if it was that or something you done behind the scenes either way it's sorted now.:happy

Sam. :tu