Award Nomination - Karrot

Cyber Ted

Legendary Member
We have an award which is reserved for individual members who do something special, noteworthy and generous for another member of this great Forum.

This is the Wetsuit Silver Star.

Anyone can nominate another member who has gone out of their way to help them above and beyond the normal help that members commonly give each other here on the forum.

Clothing Givewaway
Some time ago Karrot offered a selection of clothes, for Dolls, free to any member who would like them. I recently contacted him to ask if he had anything left over from the selection. Karrot had given away a few items but still had lots remaining, he boxed these up and sent them to me and would accept nothing other than the postage in return, he even included a couple of extras that were not in the original post.

For this generous and selfless act I would like to Nominate Karrot for the forum's first Wetsuit Silver Star. :b

Well deserved for being generous of heart. There aren't enough people like this in the world.

Congrats to Karrot.
To be clear, the Wetsuit Awards Scheme is for Human Forum members only, to ensure that we recognise the true benefactor. It cannot be nominated, seconded or given to any of our dolls. Nor can they have it in their signature.

They can join in the congratulations after one has been awarded though. ;)

Are you guys seconding this nomination. ;)

Wetsuit Silver Star Awarded

Thank you revoL xetaL, dollman2 and Samurai for seconding and supporting Karrot's nomination.

So for all the reasons stated above I have great pleasure in awarding Karrot a Wetsuit Silver Star.

Here you go Karrot this is yours.


Congratulations, a thoroughly well deserved award. :b

A smaller one is magically flying to your signature now.

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Wow, Thanks Guys, I'm truly touched. I hope that as time goes by I can do more of this for the forum members here.


Ooohl look, i gotta star!
Well done babe! Someone might just get to see me in my new black polka dot satin nightie tonight, and I dont mean the boys on the forums :p

Congratulations Karrot

No argument from me. Well done Karrot, surgeon extraordinaire and inventor of the 'Jess pose' too.