Adding Photos Tutorial with pic's


Old Timer
Here i will attempt to show you how to :

1.Create an Album

2.Upload photos to the album

3.Show your photos in posts you make here.

At the top left of the forum page you will see a menu bar running from left to right.

1.Click on user CP (Control Panel)


2.Another menu bar at left of page, click Pictures & Albums


3. Click Add Album


4. Type a Title for your album and click submit

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5. Follow instruction, click-Click here to upload pictures!


6.Click Browse to look for the photo (on your PC) you want to upload


7. Once you have found the photo in the "pop up box" double click the photo


8.It will then be added to the address line ready to be uploaded, now click the upload pictures button.

9. You now need to click Save changesto add the photo to your album


10.Click on the photo to enlage it


11. Once this is done and you see the larger photo, look under the photo to find the "BBcode" click the "BBcode" to highlite it then right click your mouse to copy the "BBcode" you only need to to this if you wish to show your photo in a post you make on the main forum


12.When you want to show your photo in a post, you then have to "paste" the photo BBcode in the post area or the place you a writting on. for example:

Here is a photo of Olivia i would like to share with the forum members

13.Once you have done this click the submit button and your done, your photo from your album will now appear in the post you just made :D

Thanks Bob :) I had a couple of Members asking how its done, and i figure pictures tell it better than word. So its here so we can refer them to this post and hopfully it helps. :)
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Good work Sam, just one hiccup on my loading my albums, once the pics are in can you move them around if they;re out of sequence:confused:
In a word No, you would need to start again and upload them in the order you want, it is best to start with the last photo first.

So if you had 5 photos you wanted to upload in sequence then you would upload in this order 54321, then when you finnish and have a look at your album the order you see them in would be 12345.

Hope this helps. :)

Ps thanks for the thanks guy's :D

Untill my next trick :rolleyes:
Just saw the link to this topic on another thread, already a very useful topic. :)

A really well done tutorial Sam, thanks.:)
Thanks Heaps,

The BB link reference part is just what I was after.

Just doing a test

EDIT NOTE: Crap was my avatar maybe does not work in this case....bout to try another in my basically non existent album...


yeah that was not the code obviously (right clicked and copied source) (no other option for one of my favorite photos until its in an album as well)

Thanks again for the very least of your time in your posts
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