Adding images (BB Codes) to posts with a tablet device.


Active Member
Hi folks, just a quick ask if anyone uses an iPad type device to access the web and indeed this fine forum?

I can create albums and add images from my tablet into them no problem, but if I wish to add an image into a post I then have to crank up my laptop just so I can (right click) and scroll along to highlight the full BBCode. I was wondering if anyone knows if there's a way to do this with a tablet device- specifically an iPad as I can highlight to 'copy n paste' what's visible in the box- but not the full BBCode as I can't fathom out how to scroll along the full code, or could I just manually type the full code into the message box between the quotes to do this?

As you can probably guess I spend more time accessing the web on the 'fly' n not sat at a computer these days..:wall

Thanks in advance if anyone can help shed some light on this :)
This is an issue another member had, you are not alone:no:

Typing the BB code manually works but is obviously a bit time-consuming.

Sometimes when you highlight the text on a tablet you get start and end markers, if you drag the end marker past the end of the text box it may scroll it along.
Many thanks revol, it's certainly fiddly scrolling the end markers with tablets but I've never managed to get the text highlighted beneath to scroll along beyond the box.

I know tablets are a compromise over the functionality of a computer, but we'll keep trying if my patience holds out first lol :wall

Thanks for replying tho:)